Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [verb] [prep] [art] last " in BNC.

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1 Although I suggested in the last chapter that it was easier for Brian Way than for Peter Slade to challenge the formal drama traditions within the schools , it could not be said that either of them had very much impact on what drama meant and still means to interested people outside our educational institutions .
2 Well , I 'm really wanting to go to Birkdale , so I jumps on the last train out of St Andrews .
3 Let it be supposed that according to the usual methods of borrowing and funding , the Public Debts , during the present war , should encrease to no greater degree than they did in the last war ; which was about 30 millions : And let it be supposed , according to past experience , that in ten or twelve years after a peace ; we should be plunged into a fresh war ; which might encrease the debts of the nation 30 millions more , and that afterwards we should have another breathing time of ten or twelve years , and that according to custom a third war should ensue , no less expensive than each of the former two ; these three wars will swell the national debts to the amount of 170 millions , and that in little more than fifty years .
4 The first and last sections of the book together add more to our knowledge of Degas ' sculpture than anything published in the last three or four decades .
5 If I grumble about the last movement of the Tchaikovsky , I certainly would not complain about the delicacy of the pizzicato of the third movement .
6 I agree with everything you 've said until you got to the last bit .
7 If you remember at the last two sessions we 've talked about signs and symbols .
8 Er , yes , this is a follow up erm , if you remember at the last full council meeting , we recorded er proceedings for the er British Corpus , is it , Town Clerk ?
9 to write to the Health and Safety Executive asking for a report on their findings of their investigation into the causes of the explosion , and erm after several letters , if you recall at the last meeting I was asked to write to MPs and so forth .
10 If you look at the last self-portraits , then you can see …
11 If you decide on the last — and best — option , she suggests you :
12 We did all right until we got to the last bit and I got my foot caught in Otley 's pocket when he tried to bend down , he fell and flung me over his head knocking my wig skew-whiff .
13 The trees had thinned out a little , the closer they got to the coast , until they passed by the last of them and stepped on to sand that seemed to stretch endlessly in either direction .
14 He walked silently along the thickly carpeted floor until he came to the last cubicle .
15 Yeah , if it expires like the last one , that 's okay , just chuck it on the fire .
16 But you 've got to make a mental leap , because I mean for the last five years , things have been pretty horrible , since eighty seven really , I mean we 've only had the pick up in the last year .
17 When Gandalf says to Frodo of his wound on Weathertop , ‘ your heart was not touched , and only your shoulder was pierced ; and that was because you resisted to the last ’ , he may be making a moral statement ( Frodo was rewarded ) or a practical one ( he dodged , called out , struck back , put off the Ringwraith 's aim ) .
18 Will my hon. Friend remind Opposition Members that under this Government manufacturing output has increased by a quarter whereas it fell under the last Labour Government ?
19 I have not forgotten that strange and distant glimmer on your face after you tipped over the last glass . ’
20 What you will think of it , I suspect , depends on your zodiac sign or whether you blubbed through the last few minutes of Peter Weir 's Dead Poets Society .
21 Good , O K , let's see how we get so far , before we come to the last question .
22 Before we look at the last goal of transformation , unbending curved relationships , it will be helpful to return briefly to the debate about the goals of development .
23 Sean Yates produced one of Britain 's best results with 13th place , after he cramped in the last 200 yards when sprinting for third place .
24 Johnston , saddling his 48th winner of the year , should now go on to achieve his maiden half century , and does not mind whether it happens in the last four days of turf racing or on the all-weather .
25 The feeling was that Richards should have declared before he did as the last hour 's batting produced few runs , but when England set about playing out time , Larkins , having gone first ball in the first innings , lasted only one more this time .
26 When I came to the last two years of school , I wanted to specialize in mathematics and physics .
27 Every month I look in your magazine for anything to do with Dalmations and I was overjoyed when I looked at the last page .
28 As I slept off the last of my baggitis , sweet visions of castles , fountains and autumn leaves drifted through my dreams .
29 A quiver of anguish passed along my spine as I came to the last dish .
30 But as I suggested in the last part of Chapter 2 , this difference is not of any great practical significance : whether deviant motivations are taken as given because they express free will ( classical theory ) or because it is not deemed fruitful to attempt their explanation ( control theory ) does not , in itself ; have any practical implications for the subsequent criminological enterprise .
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