Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] had [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The surviving accounts of his triumph dwell on the size of the booty , but of greater interest to us is its dispersal : statues were dedicated in Italian and even in Spanish towns , where Mummius had earlier served as praetor ( judicial magistrate ) and provincial governor .
2 With supporters opposed to the Douglas braggarts he set off towards Tantallon castle , where Angus had precipitately fled on learning that the king was loose and in vengeful mood .
3 The growth of this industry was the most fundamental change in the country 's economy in the later Middle Ages ; where England had previously relied for its exports largely on the export of raw wool for the more advanced industrial economies of the Low Countries and Italy , it became in this period a manufacturing nation in its own right , and cloth replaced wool as its main resource in international trade .
4 Behind the town , where Wallace had ecstatically rambled with his butterfly-net through glowing forests , the hills were bare .
5 That was his reward for a brevet lieutenant-colonelcy in a cavalry regiment and it was more money than Sharpe had ever earned in his life .
6 Although Dulles had often talked of ‘ liberating ’ Communist states , the West was powerless to help the Hungarians without provoking Armageddon .
7 If David had ever learned of the things Phipps had said to her , he would probably …
8 Claude Simon 's Les Géorgiques ( 1981 ) was seen by several critics as a rejection of the extreme textual materialism of his more recent fiction , as if Simon had finally shaken off the pernicious influence of Jean Ricardou .
9 Caroline had smiled and said yes , it was , but what she 'd really wanted to say was that she doubted if Nicolo had ever hesitated about getting what he wanted in his entire life .
10 If Jack had just returned in pristine health from a month at a health farm he might still have had trouble in coping with two of his partners .
11 If Thorkell had once dreamt of dominating the young king then he had dreamt in vain , although he soon proceeded to occupy a position in Denmark which would cause further problems within the next two years .
12 It was a no-win situation for the unfortunate air crews taking part , and it would have been understandable if morale had completely cracked at that time .
13 If Eliot had only managed to be funnier , some had come to feel , he would also have been more accurate .
14 In its first twenty or thirty years of life the new Board was rather more active than the Lords of Trade ; between 1720 and 1760 effective executive power passed to the Secretary of State in charge of relations with France and southern Europe , though the Board still served as the main clearing house for the American pressure groups which could keep up London connections ; in the last twenty years of its life , when Gibbon was a member , it was as complete a sinecure as he could have wished because power had now passed to the holder of a new Secretaryship of State .
15 In 1079 , Lanfranc asked Anselm to give his opinion , and ( as we know ) he argued that since Elphege had certainly died in the effort to save his tenants from an unjust exaction , he had died for justice ; and , if for justice , then also for truth , which is only justice in another mode .
16 Since 1945 the built-up area had increased by 2.5 times , whereas population had hardly increased at all .
17 Something unforeseen and urgent had happened , since Sean had obviously known of it yesterday afternoon , and there had been no opportunity for him to inform her .
18 Whereas Guy had only arrived in the Middle East in 1180 and at the time of his defeat had been King of Jerusalem for less than a year , Saladin had ruled Egypt since 1169 and Syria since 1176 .
19 The only secret she had with Travis was about Rosemary , but , since Naylor had never heard of Rosemary , he could n't have sensed that Travis had lost his heart to her neighbour , could he ?
20 Electricity , magnetism , optics , heat and mechanics now all hung together ; and whereas Dalton had simply concentrated upon weights in chemical reactions , the new science of physical chemistry came into being to study the energy and the rate of chemical changes .
21 Ranulf was sitting yards away and the soldiers were crowded together muttering and cursing to each other whilst Selkirk had already moved across the cemetery to a nearby grave .
22 Before Sartre had even replied to Levi-Strauss criticisms , Althusser had published for Marx ( 1965 ) , a work which , together with the later volume Reading Capital ( 1968 ) , far from defending Sartre 's Marxism from the structuralist challenge , completed the move against it , and offered a new interpretation of Marxism from which humanist existentialism and Hegelianism had been resolutely purged , with Sartre 's voluntarism replaced by a more mediated form of economism .
23 ‘ Unless Flixe needs me , ’ he said , looking at his wife with a mixture of protectiveness and adoration that made Julia think back to her own honeymoon and wonder whether Anthony had ever looked at her like that .
24 The overriding concern of the populists , however , was to free the peasantry from poverty and to do so before Russia had irrevocably embarked upon capitalist development in agriculture and industry .
25 As they were walking into the square , David did venture to ask whether Julia had yet got over her aversion to St Mark 's itself .
26 I wondered how it was possible to love many men when you had once loved one more than your immortal soul , and whether Lili had ever loved like that , or whether this was a torment saved for ridiculous people like myself .
27 My parents were fond of travel , and they 'd brought me on a trip , long before people had even heard of package holidays .
28 In the context of the early 1940s ( Olivier 's film was conceived in 1941 before America had formally joined in the war ) this creation of an idealised Elizabethan past was particularly convenient for Britain trying to persuade America to participate wholeheartedly in the war effort for the preservation of civilisation against barbarism .
29 After Hitler had again suggested in a speech in mid-March 1941 that Britain would be conquered and the war ended finally in Germany 's favour within the next year , people were heard to remark that ‘ the Führer had never held out a prospect of something which had not happened ’ , and that one could therefore unquestionably rely upon the imminent defeat of Britain and end of the war .
30 But we neither understand this power nor know , as Gassendi had already argued against Descartes , ‘ wherein thinking consists ’ .
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