Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] be on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Today I say to our financial and business leaders that although change is on the horizon , we understand the need to pursue stability even as we pursue new growth .
2 The solar challenge is the race to the future … fifty machines looking more like spaceships than cars are on the grid in darwin … ready to roll for 2000 miles … ready to soak up the sun …
3 On the other hand , if you have had a number of unsuccessful taxations it may be that your draftsman is being too optimistic , especially if payment is on the basis of a percentage of the costs as drawn — If you want to test out your costs draftsman , having received a bill back , send the file off to someone else and see how they draw it .
4 If Sunil was on the north bank , I reckon it must have been Declan .
5 Even index-linked stocks should benefit , and if inflation is on the rise again , will also protect your income and capital from its impact .
6 ‘ Most of them are n't quite sure if God is on the payroll , but He 's certainly an honorary colonel . ’
7 And if Jude was on the line , who the fuck was he fucking ?
8 If users are on the system , hit the key , then cursor down to Broadcast Console Message and return .
9 So if takeovers are on the retreat , what next ?
10 It seemed as if Glasgow was on the brink of revolution .
11 And I would have lost the chance to sail across the Pacific with Ellen , because Ellen was on the verge of agreeing to come with me , and if I had not yielded to the policeman 's blackmail I would have lost Ellen as well as my boat .
12 All over the city church bells tolled and the locals hurried to Mass , while groups of tourists crocodiled after their guides , already appearing hot and tired and largely indifferent , snapping innumerable pictures simply because Venice was on the day 's agenda .
13 And because discs were on the market for a longer time , and attracted more investment , there are a correspondingly large number of ‘ freaks ’ around .
14 Because emphasis is on the functioning and nature of the system as a whole this should dispense with geographic dualism .
15 That much has been decided , and they 'll be able to discuss gifts and the guest list at leisure during the dark nights ahead because Wendy is on the support trek to base camp .
16 An extraordinarily high proportion of Milton scholars have chosen to disregard these truths about their subject , and have decided that because Milton was on the side of the regicides this made him a revolutionary and , because a revolutionary , therefore a man of the Left , perhaps even an agonized Maminst , or at least a sympathizer with the Diggers and Levellers of his own day .
17 Kensal Green then was an old-fashioned , tight-knit working class community , the kind that had survived through thick and thin since Victoria was on the throne and that nowadays only exists in sociology textbooks and TV soaps .
18 Their desperate League form this season has consigned them to a similar predicament , while Chelsea are on the crest of a wave .
19 Both players played indifferent shots to green at the 18th , Wilson ended up 35 feet short of pin whilst McCarroll was on the apron of green at the back .
20 It 's a wonder I did n't kill Benjamin but , when I opened my eyes , two of the rogues were dead of huge gashes between shoulder and neck whilst Benjamin was on the point of driving his sword straight through the breast of a third .
21 Thus there seems a prima facie risk that social work intervention will increasingly be characterised by recourse to legal justification , and that , regardless of the debate about whether compulsion is on the increase , the public care of children will be further identified with compulsory removal and thus as antipathetic to family care .
22 Whether ma 's on the breadline , or daddy 's
23 Eventually they were found out , and you can just imagine what a fuss that caused , all those years ago when Victoria was on the throne , and even the sight of a petticoat was forbidden to young men .
24 In 1975 I answered an ad in Spare Rib and spent the next nine years in a feminist photography group where politics as well as photography was on the agenda .
25 The first stage ( Bronze ) can be attained by any group of youngsters who are willing to work with enthusiasm , as assessment is on the basis of improvement on the standard of movement that the student starts from ; this means that due allowance is made , where appropriate , for individual physical handicaps .
26 Leaning against a Cas. wall when Sister was on the bridge was asking for an explosion .
27 A sort of bovine preoccupation enveloped me when Rebecca was on the way .
28 In coming months , Max may be spending a bit more time in the country , as Sinitta is on the brink of signing a world-wide recording contract and a movie deal .
29 There , when animals are on the move , there is little social structure , merely a mass of advancing animals .
30 EVEN though marriage is on the decrease , an increasing proportion of weddings involve the remarriage of at least one partner .
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