Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] [noun prp] [verb] [pron] in " in BNC.

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1 But this flashback turns out not to represent a memory , or at least not Pistol 's memory , since King-to-be Henry repudiates him in voice-over , without Hal 's lips moving , though Falstaff reacts as if the words were spoken aloud .
2 While Mary Ann busied herself in the kitchen , and the uncommunicative Emily disappeared , he took in his surroundings .
3 They never looked back after Neil Hodgson put them in the lead after 24 minutes , Joe Peel adding tow more before half time .
4 It was after Frank Hoddinott joined us in 1923 that Palace fans ( all too briefly ) saw Whitworth at his best .
5 Ever since I started consultancy work in politics , I 'd been pushing for the use of this simple invention — a British one — but it was n't until after President Reagan used it in his address to the Houses of Parliament that our politicians felt it was worthy of notice .
6 Whether Dixon J. 's analysis is right or wrong , the authorities certainly demonstrate that , as Cussen J. put it in Bank of Victoria Ltd. v. Mueller [ 1925 ] V.L.R. 642 , 651 :
7 The Royal Institution had just moved its laboratories up from the basement where they were no longer valuable in ‘ our struggle for existence ’ , as William Spottiswoode put it in January 1873 .
8 The loyalty which Anglicans professed to the Stuart monarchy was quite specifically " a church of England-Loyalty " , as William Sherlock put it in his sermon to James II 's first Parliament on 29 May 1685 .
9 As Ward J. put it in his judgment , English law does not accept the transatlantic concept of ‘ informed consent ’ and it follows that it would reject any concept of ‘ informed refusal . ’
10 Leaning away slightly as Ibn Fayoud enveloped her in his gowns and aftershave , Kelly found herself looking at a smiling Annie .
11 As Patrick Forbes put it in Champagne , ‘ The news of his appointment was received with a certain relief by most people , for , if you were going to be shoved around , it was better to be shoved around by a wine-maker than by some beer-drinking Nazi lout . ’
12 As Slade LJ put it in Harlingdon Ltd : … the fact that a description has been attributed to the goods , either during the course of negotiations or even in the contract ( if written ) itself , does not necessarily and by itself render the contract one for 'sale by description " .
13 Bernice scrambled madly through the twisted wreckage as Anushkia Smyslov lost herself in the chaos , shouting orders .
14 As Ian Michael puts it in his admirable history of English grammar , This function of pronouns , as John Wilkins saw in 1668 , is to ‘ represent things …
15 As David Lodge put it in the first issue of The Birmingham Magazine :
16 As Barney Hoskyns put it in his Prince : Imp of the Perverse — ‘ he is where all the desires of pop meet and tangle — their camp cupidon , their locus of signification . ’
17 ‘ The gigantic power and influence of the ovaries over the whole animal economy of woman ’ , as Dr Bliss put it in 1870 , meant that women 's constitutions were believed to be inherently unstable throughout the life cycle .
18 As Alexander Irvine put it in 1694 : it is a Maxim in our Law , " That the King can do no Wrong " ; the Meaning whereof is not , that nothing can be done amiss that he does in point of Government , but whatever there is amiss to it , is not to be imputed to him , but to those by whose Advice and Ministry he acts ; and consequently , that not he , but they are punishable for them .
19 All your twenties were on her little list and when Mr Nassim put them in the bank yesterday he got a nasty shock .
20 Editor , — An important reason why paracetamol-methionine is rarely prescribed is that when Sterling Winthrop introduced it in 1986 under the brand name Pameton the Department of Health refused to add it to the list of medicines prescribable within the NHS because it saw ‘ no clinical need . ’
21 This sort of behaviour may be cute and quirky when Tom Hanks does it in a feel-good age-swap movie , but in real life it 's pathetic , regressive , and very very sad .
22 But as Morris Zapp puts it in his poststructuralist phase , ‘ every decoding is another encoding . ’
23 Language may not only be ill-adapted to communication ( as Professor Chomsky shows us in chapter 3 ) , it 's also in principle , and quite often in practice , unnecessary .
24 As Arthur Koestler put it in The Act of Creation :
25 The ‘ drifting youth of the welfare state ’ , as Arthur Bryant described them in 1954 , ‘ become the inevitable prey of the gang-leader or , at best , grow up to lead , despite all the material opportunities of our age , inert , stunted and purposeless lives ’ .
26 As J. Wade put it in 1842 , ‘ The immorality of marrying without the means of supporting a family is a doctrine of recent promulgation . ’
27 I thought , as Mrs Diggory showed me in here — ’
28 When Josiah Wedgwood visited it in 1773 it had ‘ the appearance of a considerable Seaport town .
29 Order was only restored when manager Bence doused them in a bucket of cold Bovril .
30 As de Gaulle put it in a controversial passage at one press conference : " The President is obviously the only person to hold and to delegate the authority of the State . "
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