Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] [verb] [conj] it [is] " in BNC.

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1 The square has recently been renovated although people complain that it is like a film set and the houses are still crumbling behind their façades .
2 But , although Jacques claims that it is massively frustrating to watch Julie tripping round the flat half-naked and not be able to touch her , Mr Moore fails to project the necessary dashed and deviant desire .
3 Human beings as we know are sexually dimorphic and tha that figure seems to fit the er the , the pattern , but erm women have a lot of characteristics that are peculiar to them , like for example erm more youthful looks , women will retain more youthful looks longer than men do and it is normally regarded as important and a lot of women spend an awful lot of money in the modern society on trying to remain erm looking er looking youthful .
4 Woe betide gilts prices if investors conclude that it is not .
5 If people say that it is wrong that teachers should be allowed , even encouraged , to tell pupils that it is acceptable to live in a household in a particular form of sexual relationship , that goes beyond what is a proper and a responsible training for life in society . ’
6 It looks as if sex evolved because it 's in the interest of genes to constantly be re-combined self interest not always in company with the same others may want to be er mixing themselves up , so they launch themselves in continually different combinations , and this presumably each gene what , what , what is happening is a constant filtering process all the time , by means of which natural selection is working on basically random changes in the final point I want to make and that 's
7 Pointing out difficulties is a very common behaviour but is one of the riskier ones because research shows that it is far from certain how people will take it .
8 It may not seem as hard nowadays , because people know that it 's easy to get out of .
9 Because love deepens when it is expressed .
10 A moment 's thought will convince the reader that the crossed reading is prohibited here : this sentence can not be used to describe a situation where Arthur knows that the animal in question is an alsatian , but is unsure of its sex , while Mike knows that it is female , but thinks it might be a wolf .
11 However , the role of Campylobacter pylori in ulcer formation is controversial with some clinicians claiming that its property of promoting excess gastrin and gastric acid secretion is a primary ulcer inducing factor , while others argue that it is a secondary factor .
12 The development work is n't thought to be linked to Sun in any formal way , but the news comes just a week after Sun revealed that it is playing with a 64-bit Sparc , and outlined its intent to define the ground rules for such environments through a new release of Sparc International 's interface specification for 64-bit Sparc architectures ( UX No 380 ) .
13 ‘ Not really , because we wrote the songs before Phil left and it is n't our new drummer on the album , apart from one track ; it 's a mystery subscriber on the other tracks . ’
14 The announcement of his departure came just one day after Barclays revealed that it is to look outside the bank for a new chief executive to take over some of the powers presently held by chairman and chief executive , Andrew Buxton .
15 It is not really , I suppose , a bad school as schools go but it is a sorry waste of time & energy …
16 The forms set out in this book follow the prescribed forms as nearly as circumstances permit and it is thought that they will be acceptable to HM Land Registry .
17 He folded her into his arms ; she could feel the tension singing inside him , as iron sings when it 's brought to a white heat .
18 I am worried when people say that it is fine to live next to a railway station but that one must never use it to its full capacity .
19 With video the setting has to be thought about , the appearance of the characters has to be right and the plain fact of seeing as well as hearing means that it is much more difficult to establish credibility .
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