Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] [verb] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The tines pointed up towards the neck , where blood began to gush out with the flow of the water . ’
2 ‘ Mind this patch , it 's slippery , ’ Weasel warned as he traversed a landing where snow had drifted in through a broken skylight .
3 Where problems do crop up in the records they are often of the type that are familiar to all families with teenagers .
4 Where dirt does drop out of suspension the term re-deposition is used .
5 Capital city of crime is Frankfurt , Germany 's banking centre , where mobsters like to blend in with legitimate wealth , washing their illegal gambling and drugs money , stealing their luxury cars and working their financial scams .
6 It is a great mistake : Barbara has to give up her small tress-shop and the cosy flat above where Percy liked to come round in the evenings ; while Percy , lacking that place of resort , now leaves her alone and goes out to play billiards .
7 Of graduates , more than 80% have ended up in the professional and managerial classes .
8 Although things have picked up in the last six months , the work is more likely to be restructuring , rights issues or corporate rescues .
9 Bearing in mind that she would be eating a main meal that evening , Fabia ordered an omelette and salad , and soon discovered that once Lubor had settled down from his initial opportunistic manner he was quite a pleasant lunchtime companion .
10 Once Richards had to dive out of the way as Tribe , twisting and stretching in his straps lurched across the formation .
11 Gale-force winds helped to break up the 40-km oil slick , reducing the impact of what was initially reported as a massive environmental disaster , although oil continued to seep out of the sunken vessel .
12 Once Annie has come up with a tartan design it can be used on many products such as bags and logos , not just carpets and furnishings .
13 If Spurs decide to cash in on Durie , they will want at least their money back 16 months after paying a club record fee to lure him from Chelsea .
14 But if Bobby wanted to get in on it now , he 'd have been turned away at the door : the elitists would have laughed at him for being in an indie band and ‘ Loaded ’ might never have been produced .
15 And if Jardines sought to sell out of Hongkong Land , it would be better placed to demand a hefty premium for offering effective control without the need to buy out smaller shareholders .
16 ’ ‘ You go along that Blo Norton road and you 'll never see the black cat unless Alby [ we 'll call him that , though that was n't his proper name ] if Alby had disappeared out of sight the black cat was there .
17 job to get out the house for a little while and she usually gets granny up , cos granny have to come down on one of those chairs .
18 Good God you have n't heard if Karen 's gone back in , no .
19 Would it have mattered so very much if Heather had found out about it ?
20 So even if Jensen does go out of business , their cars will remain kings of the road .
21 Her mother came out and stood at the gate waving until Caro had walked out of sight , and Caro had to force herself not to run to escape that imploring cloying gaze .
22 Thirdly , if war did break out with Tito , what would be the response of Tito 's Communist ally , the Soviet Union , with its immensely powerful forces stationed nearby ?
23 Gilbert and Frye watched them leave and for an instant it seemed as if Gilbert wanted to dash out after them again .
24 If things start to get out of control , turn the model into wind and move it forward to the ‘ safe ’ position .
25 If Lili had come in by the back door it had been very late indeed .
26 And Lori 's erratic course as good as told her she had no fear of the outcome if Paige did catch up with her .
27 After all , if Dysart had fallen out with Clare , he was not likely to have broadcast the fact after her death .
28 So she waited in a quiet part of the street until people began to stream out of church .
29 It was as if Jack had stepped back in time to the scene of an earlier age .
30 I went , is this this well hard bloke from Brixton , cos Ryan keeps going on about it , like we I said , is he do , I said , oh , we went to Oxford Street today , and he went , is that anywhere near Brixton ?
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