Example sentences of "[subord] [prep] [noun prp] [num] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In conclusion , it can be said that during accelerated intestinal transit , slow release preparations , except for Claversal 250 mg tablets , provide higher steady state mucosal concentrations than azo-bound drugs .
2 The concentrations after the intake of Asacol , Claversal 500 mg tablets , and Pentasa are significantly ( p<0.05 ; Mann-Whitney U test ) higher than after Claversal 250 mg tablets , Dipentum , and Salazopyrin .
3 Although in November 1986 Mr Vafa succeeded in having the original decree totally recalled , an unusual move , the terms of the interdict were erroneously incorporated in the new decree .
4 IF ON April 9 Neil Kinnock is returned as PM it will not be quite the disaster that other Socialist governments of the past have proved to be .
5 Maybe so , because in April 1954 Don Whillans went straight to attempt the great open book corner direct .
6 Two Croatian ministers , Barnimir Zekan ( Finance ) and Bozidar Marendic ( Development ) , as well as the deputy Agriculture and Transport Ministers resigned from the federal government on Sept. 12 , while on Sept. 13 Branjo Salaj , the Information Minister for Croatia , called on Croats to resign from all federal bodies .
7 At the congress the SDP elected a 31-member board and a 102-strong national council , while on Nov. 5 Anna Petrasovits was elected party chair and Andor Boelcsfoeldy honourary chair .
8 The 1852 coffin of the Sixteenth Earl of Shrewsbury was designed by E.W. Pugin and made by Hardman of Birmingham — ‘ the edges … engrailed with gilt metal work ; at its foot the Shrewsbury arms were engraved in gilt metal ’ — whilst in October 1887 Philip Webb sketches in his commonplace book the ‘ outside dimensions of coffin & coffins for a six foot body for Lawrence Datchworth ’ , suggesting an outer case seven foot 6 inches long , three foot wide and two foot deep .
9 In November 1691 , for example , Clemens Storey , a London woollendraper , expressed his belief that King James was " the right and lawfull King " , whilst in September 1695 George Dent , a Southwark glover , allegedly said that " King James hath more right to the Crowne than King William and that King William is not Lawfull King , and that he is a Nasty Little Fellow " .
10 As of April 4 estate agents in the province will have to tell house hunters the facts about properties — or face punishments which include unlimited fines and being banned by the Director General of Fair Trading .
11 When in April 1949 Mary Trevelyan had written a letter in which she explained her feelings for him , and in fact suggested marriage , he explained in his reply that although he valued her friendship he was no longer capable of reciprocating such feelings for anyone .
12 Thus , when in September 1945 Ramón Serrano Suñer suggested that a national government be formed and Falange Española allowed to recover its pre-1937 autonomy , Franco refused .
13 When in November 1990 Sir George Blunden , who had been Deputy Governor of the Bank of England , was appointed chairman of The Money Advice Trust ( created in January of that year ) , the aim was to raise £6 million for the purpose .
14 Following an attempt at " political liberalization " during 1977-80 , the powers of the legislature were effectively curtailed when in August 1980 President Mobutu created the MPR central committee , which had the power to overrule the CNL .
15 We are fortunate to have exact details of the type of education offered during this period , for in December 1817 James Moorhouse , a 13-year-old pupil at the School , wrote this letter to his Grandfather :
16 This age-old technique must have worked , for in April 1908 Mr. Groves , the Water Board 's Secretary , attended a Committee Meeting and with a sub-committee was appointed to settle the details of laying water .
17 For in June 1825 Henry Woodruffe and Thomas Hodson , clerks respectively at South Shields and Sunderland , gave evidence to the Select Committee on the Combination Laws .
18 Prospects for these negotiations had vanished , however , when on Dec. 3 Rafik Nishanov , the Chair of the Soviet of Nationalities ( one of the two USSR Supreme Soviet chambers ) , warned that republics would be unable to negotiate on their individual status unless they first signed the new Union Treaty [ see p. 37903 ] .
19 For On Sept. 20 UNITA forces , claiming that MPLA-PT members were plotting to assassinate Savimbi , seized 11 anti-riot police officers , burned three cars and took control of the airport in Cuito .
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