Example sentences of "[subord] [adj] [noun sg] [noun] [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Where large scale production existed it was carried out by slaves , as was the case with gold mining in the Asante kingdom .
2 Inspired by the show , she dreamed up a tale of a Christian boy who blackmailed Muslim girls by luring them to an apartment where hidden video cameras filmed them in indecent postures .
3 More than one lord lieutenant told me almost apologetically of the number of supplicants who sought his intervention with the democratically-chosen authorities .
4 I was busy trying to figure out if this guy Thomas fancied me .
5 If any Boozebuster victim decided he did n't actually want to go back to the office or home to his wife , Eddie would gently , but very publicly , take hold of him by what she called his ‘ wedding tackle ’ and lead him out of the pub .
6 It must also be remembered that death usually took place in the home , not only because nineteenth century parents preferred it , but also because , before the development of antisepsis in practical nursing in the last quarter of the century , to send a patient to hospital was much more likely to prove fatal than keeping him at home .
7 In the course of our case studies , we found that programmers/analysts capable of working in certain specific software/hardware areas ( for example , IBM System 38 , PICK ) were extremely scarce , in some cases so much so that " nobody is training them any more " ( since high turnover rates meant they would not have the chance to amortise the training investment ) .
8 After this ordeal Tom left him to have a soak and slowly Willie began to unwind .
9 Livingston , who has vowed to clear his name after British athletics chiefs banned him for four years for drugs cheating , said : ‘ I am being imprisoned for something I have n't done .
10 There was more in the pitch than on the opening day for the quicker bowlers and with the second new ball Mark Ilott , playing his first game for Essex for a year after serious back problems kept him out of the game last season , was impressively hostile .
11 THE difficulties in the UK commercial property sector appeared to have claimed another victim yesterday after Surrey-based Bredero Properties announced it had breached its banking covenants , writes Richard Shackleton .
12 In the 250 race Gary Jess set the pace for eight of the 12 laps , before front fork failure forced him to slow down .
13 After one glass Ianthe said she must go , as she had decided to visit Miss Grimes on the way home .
14 A DARLINGTON landlady has left her pub after crippling rent rises forced her out of business .
15 ‘ I can still remember standing there at the party when that woman Pargeter told me .
16 The Gainsborough films that best characterize the desire of filmmakers to close their eyes to the darker currents in society , to make believe that the world really is as cosy as some wartime films made it out to be , are Holiday Camp ( 1947 ) and the three sequels set amongst the jolly Huggett family .
17 When some designer friends saw it they persuaded him to get it ready to market and it was ready just in time for Esher 1990 .
18 Historically , the vast majority of housing departments screened their tenants , putting the ‘ better class of person ’ , as many housing officers described them , onto the best estates , while ensuring that the poorest tenants were housed in sink areas .
19 The Infant Hercules , as Prime Minister Gladstone described it , acquired an awesome reputation for squalor and toughness .
20 It was visibly true that the CNAA , as one education correspondent put it , was ‘ busy about the job it was set up to do — to award degrees and to make sure that the standards of them are at least up to university level ’ .
21 As one law lord put it in 1967 , it can be ‘ very unpleasant ’ and ‘ hard ’ for the advocate ‘ to explain to a client why he is indulging in what seems treachery to his client because of an abstract duty to justice and professional honour ’ .
22 The ‘ baby difficulty ’ , as one attendance officer called it , led to many late nineteenth-century state elementary schools opening crèches .
23 With competition for research funds now especially fierce , the Defense Department is using its bountiful budget for university based science to ‘ sensitise ’ — as one Defense official put it — university scientists to its security concerns .
24 As one television executive put it : ‘ We do a few gay programmes , and will carry on doing them .
25 It was , as one refugee worker put it , ‘ the easy way out ’ and it solved nothing .
26 As one community leader put it :
27 As one health worker put it , ‘ They fiddle with all the bits that men do n't have . ’
28 As one force member put it : Directors were encouraged to use this free resource to their own advantage in pushing it through with members .
29 As one teacher trainer put it not long ago , ‘ I have been in education for 25 years and I have never known morale so low .
30 First Slip , Premus , The Neb , The Toit , Hardd , Tensor — how desperate we found them — and what a sigh of relief when subsequent guidebook editions bounced them upwards : in the case of The Toit to E4 !
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