Example sentences of "[subord] [adj] [modal v] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A capital injection from the company 's bank has to be looked at as a probable source of additional finance , although this would mean a secured loan .
2 Although this may sound a simple piece of gymnastics it was no parlour trick at night with a sea running and the canoe 's stability always in doubt .
3 It will not be very much , a natural curve is generally about two centimetres , three-quarters of an inch , since more than this could cause a wavy effect .
4 Weaving does take longer than knitting a piece of the same size , but it takes very little longer to weave a long row than a short one , so this can save a considerable amount of time .
5 Some doctors recommend immediate intervention with steroid injections , but although these can have a dramatic effect in reducing inflammation and relieving pain , they can also create a false sense of security .
6 Ensure hardness levels are suitable for fish species that you are keeping , although most will tolerate a total hardness of between 100–250 ppm .
7 During excitation , samples are heated and begin to outgas , producing more ions and concomitantly increasingly the electron beam current , which if unchecked will reach a preset level within the power unit and cause the high tension to be switched off to protect the gun .
8 Ground cloves , if available can produce a delicious flavour in Christmas puddings .
9 One result was that Germany and Italy lost out because neither could achieve a strong centralised government .
10 In his essay in Salmagundi , Robert Scholes argues that conservatives desire a common curriculum — any common curriculum — because this would have a unifying effect upon a society that suffers from an excess of pluralism , and this unifying effect , an achieved cultural consensus , would in itself be a good thing for the country socially and politically .
11 He would not confer other motions on the earth , as Copernicus had , because this would violate a cherished Aristotelian principle that bodies could not have more than one natural motion .
12 Visits from the prisoner 's family may be limited to one half-hour twice a month , but since that may involve a 400 mile round journey even such infrequent visits may not be possible .
13 While this may appear a grudging recognition of negotiation between Party leaders , it was as significant as the breakdown of the anti-Communism of the LSI .
14 While this would involve a significant number of companies and save their audit fee costs , it is arguable whether it would reduce the overall cost of regulation for small audit firms , since few practices would be able to deregister and eliminate their regulatory overheads .
15 While this might seem a basic requirement , it has resulted in a wide range of design criteria , each designed to fully respond to the environmental conditions .
16 Examples are the SF wing on page 679 ; item ( d ) on page 441 ; and the USSF/LLDB patch on page 460 — all are laughable approximations which can not even be dignified with the term ‘ reproductions ’ , since this would imply a close resemblance to the original .
17 Since this would require a constitutional change it is not likely to recruit many supporters , but the unions have some powerful government supporters on their side .
18 Since this may take a considerable time , speakers typically begin to speak before they have completed all the necessary planning for a particular speech cycle .
19 Since this will involve a substantial amount of archival and institutional research the study has been provisionally limited to the period 1890-1930 .
20 Care also needs to be exercised when choosing a particular case management approach , to examine the existing service context into which it is to be placed since this can have a major influence on the success of the service .
21 You should be aware at the outset that , whilst MAS can provide a comprehensive deal management and advisory service , it will operate in the capacity of your professional advisers and so can not operate independently from yourselves at any stage in the deal process .
22 But it remains to be seen whether that will prove a significant omission .
23 Of course , the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 is designed to extend the types of people who may offer at least certain firms of legal services , but it remains to be seen whether this will make a dramatic difference by demystifying the provision of advice .
24 Does my hon. Friend agree that any proposal to abolish the upper limit on national insurance contributions would mean that millions of people who could never remotely be regarded as rich would pay a great deal more in contributions and get nothing extra in benefits ?
25 This need not be a problem , especially as each will have a different approach to the same material , but it makes obvious sense on many counts if the teachers are each prepared for this by consultation . )
26 It was due to leave the main door at noon and wend its way to the arena by a circuitous route through the grounds , so that as many people as possible would get a good view .
27 This is not the place to explore arguments which characterize the scientific mode of thought as in some sense masculine ( though this may have a vital role to play in our understanding of the science of our culture if it is so : see Kelly et al . ,
28 It should be possible to live in any one of them without staff , though some might need a large and willing family to maintain them .
29 The result of all this can be likened to a vast ocean , teeming with fish of which only one in a million is edible , and just as this would present a monstrous task to fishermen entrusted with the responsibility of feeding a hungry populace , so does the almost unbelievable quantity of religious teaching and literature by its very size and complexity make it impossible for it ever to serve a serious purpose in satisfying the undoubted universal desire for a respected and well-beloved religion .
30 Avoid giving your own opinion or contribution as this would create a three-way conversation highly unsatisfactory for speechreading .
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