Example sentences of "[subord] [adj] [be] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 By totalization , therefore , Sartre does not here mean anything like a predetermined end or final closure of a totality but rather a process of mediation among the parts , where each is determined by the other .
2 Future usage should where possible be estimated from a review of present and recent past usage .
3 Lord Denning has gone further than any other judge in demonstrating a willingness to require legal representation even where this is prohibited by the procedural rules governing the body in question .
4 The business sale agreement will usually provide that , if a VAT liability arises from a supply which the parties expected to be outside the scope of VAT , the consideration will be VAT exclusive where this is caused by a breach of warranty by Newco ( for example , that it will carry on the same kind of business as the vendor after completion ) .
5 INTRUSION INTO GRIEF Newspapers and journalists serving them should avoid intruding into personal grief except where this is justified in the public interest .
6 Any such development depends crucially on popular initiatives and can not simply be legislated ( there are , however , important ways in which a socialist government could help to foster enterprise democracy , by making changes in company law , e. g. turning shareholders into mere bond-holders , granting the right to set up democratic mechanisms where this was approved by the workforce , and by means of preferential funding for democratic enterprises and ‘ workers ’ plans ' ) .
7 Where specific rules correspond , reference where appropriate is made to the RSC rule in the notes which follow the County Court rule in the County Court Practice .
8 Rather like English fairies , kuei will shy away from weapons made of iron or steel , and will not trouble a house where these are placed in the doorway .
9 It is also possible to envisage successful record of achievement schemes where these are confined to a particular course such as the CPVE or some of the other externally accredited vocational courses .
10 Where these are controlled by a competent individual .
11 And then , across this orderly slow progression where all was held in a great round , three lights moving together pursued their way , little glow-worms busily creeping in a straight line across the dome , one green , one red , in movement , then one white at the same pace ; now one winking now the other , as if flashing messages .
12 John Major told the Commons at Prime Minister 's Question Time that none of the 16 arrested at the factory , where 340 were sacked at the end of January , had been a Timex worker .
13 Now most is used in the making of paper .
14 An emergency session of EC Foreign Ministers held in Oslo ( where most were gathered for a NATO meeting ) nevertheless ruled out any renegotiation of the Treaty while declaring that the " door remains open for the Danes to come back " .
15 Most of these are also found in the upper canopy , although that is dominated by the wide-ranging bee , Apis dorsata , with Xylocopa bees also conspicuous .
16 He made 64 going in at number three , and although that was followed by a second-innings duck , a corner had been turned .
17 Nevertheless , he secured peace , also reconciliation with Spain , although that was marred by the disclosure of the Guy Fawkes plan to blow up the House of Commons , in 1605 .
18 Within the Six , the strongest support came from the West German Finance Minister , Ludwig Erhard , who had long favoured a broader European grouping than that being developed by the Six .
19 Expression was also absent from the spleen which is composed of up to 50% B cells , although Oct-11 is expressed in the plasma cell line P3/NS1/1-Ag4.1 ( see below ) .
20 However , there are now five women managing directors or chief executives ( out of 1,347 companies ) compared with only three ( out of 1,370 ) last year , although this is counterbalanced by the loss of three female chairmen , bringing their numbers down to just two .
21 It is not necessary to suppose that he acted on his own initiative , although this is implied in the Anonimalle Chronicle ( 11 , pp.158–9 ) : possibly his advisers felt that he might be less at risk than they themselves , and that in the circumstances a policy of temporary conciliation was the best course of action .
22 Although this is contemplated by the European Court of Justice in the San Giorgio case , it is evident from Air Canada v. British Columbia , 59 D.L.R. ( 4th ) 161 that the point is not without its difficulties ; and the availability of such a defence may depend upon the nature of the tax or other levy .
23 Although this is bought through a massive number of connections it seems to have a number of advantages over previously mentioned strategies :
24 Dogs which have lived in kennels for a long time can be particularly difficult to house-train successfully , although this is helped by the fact that they will only defecate about twice a day .
25 It was characterized by a determined display of party unity , although this was tempered with a greater degree of realism than had been apparent in 1988 .
26 US President Bush pledged a fresh US$645 million in humanitarian aid ( subject to approval by Congress ) , while Baker announced that 54 emergency airlifts of food and medicines from the USA would begin on Feb. 10 , although this was seen as a symbolic gesture rather than as a viable solution to the problem of food shortages in the CIS .
27 Although this was done in an ad hoc and somewhat piecemeal fashion , it was intended to mirror the direction taken by the workshop itself .
28 Although this was rejected in the previous paper as putting an unacceptable limitation on taxpayers and their accountants , the responses suggest that the perceived balance of advantage may have shifted .
29 His other holdings included the lordship of Chirk in the Welsh marches and land forfeited by Henry Beaufort duke of Somerset , although this was encumbered by the claims of two dowagers .
30 His other holdings included the lordship of Chirk in the Welsh marches and land forfeited by Henry Beaufort duke of Somerset , although this was encumbered by the claims of two dowagers .
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