Example sentences of "[subord] [adj] [conj] [pron] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 IT IS more than possible that I am missing a point , showing a lack of imagination , remaining in the Middle Ages and have my feet firmly stuck in the mud when I am under the impression they are just on the ground .
2 She 'll cry over more than that before she 's finished . ’
3 I 'm sure I shall have worse than that before I 'm done , a bit of fag ash in me drink .
4 It 'll keep smaller than that when they 're brushed .
5 There is a 50 gallon mark on the 4′ tank but I have filled it higher than that and it is holding 65 gallons .
6 Now I guess from the affluent audience we 've got here today that you pay more than that because you 're living in higher rated value properties I guess .
7 His ball had gone into deep rough and I noticed he was walking toward it much faster than usual and he was talking to me faster .
8 Use a lower compression ball than usual if you 're going to play in cold weather .
9 Hitchcock 's intentions were even more obscure than usual when he was making Marnie .
10 The piggies blushed even pinker than usual as they were hoisted onto the shoulders of their friends and carried round the room .
11 His public voice was richer in its Southern tones than normal and he was delivering his words in the slow , measured cadences that he normally employed on the floor of the Senate .
12 And of course we 're offering a service of allowing people to choose to come at four rather than six and we are making ourselves accessible to single mothers who perhaps ca n't come out in the evening etcetera .
13 The experience of being on Iona is nothing less than magical and I am moved to tears .
14 In family counselling , regardless of the starting point , difficult issues should be tackled rather than left because it is considered ‘ kinder ’ to do so .
15 In the old language andegari meant hawthorn , and a bush of that type probably at one time marked the external borders of the city of Mediolanum , although little or nothing is known of that first town .
16 Determine randomly which characters are the targets of which darts ; no character can be a target for more than three unless he is standing right in front of the chest ( e.g. , raising the lid ) .
17 Lavender 's use can be traced back to the Greeks and Romans and it is more than likely that it was used all round the Mediterranean by Egyptians , Arabs , and Sumerians for a variety of domestic , cosmetic and perfumery needs .
18 These very different characters were both ‘ at risk ’ in different ways because of the society they and we live in and their vulnerability in different areas : However , both are less ‘ at risk ’ than many because they are growing up loved and taught , ie given information rather than left ignorant and because there is some explanation of faith — relationship with God .
19 Nu is equal to 1 when the fluid is at rest and greater than 1 when it is convecting ( Section 22.1 ) , and it is apparent that the onset of motion occurs close to the predicted value of Ra .
20 But support had been no more than patchy until it was taken up by such a strong party group on the eve of electoral victory .
21 The overhaul of trams to catch up on wartime neglect was taking longer than anticipated and it was decided that Purley depôt , still standing out of use , should be cleared of the war damaged cars collecting dust in its interior and be brought back into use as an annexe to Charlton Works where painting and certain other work could be undertaken .
22 They have financial problems , like many people — and more than most if they are trying to bring up a family in London without ‘ private means ’ .
23 It 's getting rather hard to think about what it is that lets me see them as distinct individuals if all that they 're doing are
24 Though it is thought to have been first run in 1519 , it was not until 1619 that it was endowed by forty-nine local gentlemen .
25 The Battle Hospital in Reading had given him a sedative to take if necessary when he was discharged .
26 as if aware that she was looking at him , he smiled and said : ‘ Are you going away somewhere this summer ? ’
27 Fowler-Troon caught her eye and smiled apologetically , as if aware that he was stalling .
28 When the Inspecting Officer first visited Croydon 's electric tramways , he was none too happy about the ‘ Providence ’ lifeguards — and at the second inspection , they were condemned as unsuitable and they were replaced by Wilson & Bennett wire mesh gate and tray lifeguards .
29 He wrote it to his friend , Charles Diodati and it 's an answer , in Latin verse , to a letter from Diodati apologizing that his poems were not as good as usual because he was leading too much social life .
30 You ca n't sleep you 're actually providing your own sleep deprivation and you say hey , next thing you know I really will be falling down the stairs ! but he does n't seem to get the joke and then it 's back to the cell and then the interview room with the barred , opaqued windows so you ca n't see out and they switch on the tape-machine recording everything as usual and it 's getting more bizarre ; they get me to do a Michael Caine voice !
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