Example sentences of "[subord] [adj] [conj] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Jermey 's aim is not to turn out chefs who can produce Chinese wedding feasts , but adventurous chefs who can borrow techniques where appropriate and incorporate them into their own style : ‘ They 'll see new ways of finishing dishes , new combinations of flavours . ’
2 She had done better than that and taken it to a jeweller to be plated and put into a mount so it could hang on her chain .
3 Dionne went for the outlaw type , or so she said , then mothered and civilised them until they were unrecognisable , and when her dream of civilised and raunchy equality went out the slammed door , there she was alone again , smoking a little more than usual , drinking a little more than necessary and swearing herself to celibacy until the next sulky brow slouched into view and stole her hopeful heart away .
4 Instead he waited until stragglers ventured outside the walls and then picked them off one by one , capturing the Dwarfs alive if possible and tormenting them for days within earshot of the citadel walls .
5 Now people start getting very involved with this cos squared and integrating it to being cos cubed .
6 Prune your notes if necessary and arrange them in the order in which you would like to use them .
7 She took the report , told them all where to find her if necessary and shut herself in her office .
8 Count Edward Raczynski , the distinguished centenarian ex-President of Poland in exile living in London , has created a foundation whose aim is to recover as much of his property as possible and return it to his country house of Rogalin outside Poznan .
9 It is essential that all Teachers fill in the enclosed form with regard to information for the Annual Report as soon as possible and return it to the Office or to at the latest by the end of January .
10 The Rev. Owen could therefore use sign language , and together with another clergyman , encouraged the young man to seek out as many local deaf people as possible and bring them to church services .
11 We shall come back as quickly as possible and take you to the Hall .
12 Hold them as high as possible and pull them towards each other 30 times .
13 The aim has been to produce pictorial representations of a complete set of valence molecular orbitals for as many molecules as possible and to relate them to what is observed in the experimental world .
14 He left after giving instructions that she was to rest as much as possible and drink plenty of milk .
15 Using the cover of the bushes or whatever , I crouch as low as possible and manoeuvre myself into a position where I know I could cast to them , not forgetting to make a note of a landing site , for it is useless to hook a fish if you can not play it to the landing net .
16 Mount tubes as close to the front of cabinets as possible and shield them with a baffle or small valance or cornice attached to the bottom of units .
17 You should remove the cichlids as soon as possible and transfer them to a separate tank which is set-up specifically for African cichlids , or take them back to the place you bought them .
18 Understandably , perhaps , there is a strong temptation to try to avoid these difficulties by taking qualities as basic and confining oneself to the idea of a plurality of qualities , with particulars being interpreted as bundles of qualities .
19 A more prosaic explanation would be that the derogation of women reflects a reality in which men regard us as inferior and define us above all in terms of our sexual attributes .
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