Example sentences of "[subord] [verb] [prep] [art] last [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Shares in News Corp and its UK arm News International have enjoyed a dramatic recovery and more than doubled in the last year .
2 If intended as a last step prior to dismissal , such a warning should describe the nature of the offence and make it clear that a repetition will cause you to be dismissed .
3 ( As explained in the last chapter , REM sleep may be scored as such when hardly any rapid eye movements are occurring , so long as the record of low voltage EEC and reduced EMG continues uninterruptedly . )
4 ( As explained in the last chapter , examples used to illustrate intonation transcription are usually given in spelling form , and you will notice that no punctuation is used ; the reason for this is that intonation and stress are the vocal equivalents of written punctuation , so that when these are transcribed it would be unnecessary or even confusing to include punctuation as well . )
5 Trained in Ireland at the Cullinane yard for his first run of the 1984–5 season , he was then moved to Paddy Mullins , winning a handicap hurdle at Limerick Junction on his second outing for his new stable before his mood let him down again in the 1985 Gold Cup : he tried to pull himself up after a circuit and was tailed off when refusing at the last fence .
6 In such conditions as prevailed in the last phase of the Weimar Republic , of the total discrediting of a State system based upon pluralist politics , the ‘ functional ’ leadership of the bureaucrat and the Party politician as the representatives of the impersonal ‘ rational-legal ’ form of political domination , imposing laws and carrying out functions for which they are not personally responsible and with which they are not identifiable , lost credibility .
7 As answers to the last question jibber-jabbered in her head , Ashley straightened .
8 The second class of locative , or local names , are , as hinted in the last sentence , based on place names — such as where a man lived , where he held land , or where he hailed from .
9 Wandsworth was the first new store to open with staff wearing the new design , as seen in the last issue of the Journal .
10 The company says its researchers took six months to extend the concept from a client-server system — as shown at the last Comdex event — to a personal computer .
11 The company says its researchers took six months to extend the concept from a client-server system — as shown at the last Comdex event — to a personal computer .
12 Set out your work as shown on the last page .
13 Solve the following equations setting your work out as shown in the last example : unc This is a useful way of checking your answers , Simply substitute your answer for the letter in the question and both sides of the equation should be equal , Use this method to check your answers .
14 Now work out the following by forming an equation and solving it as shown in the last example .
15 " Mr. Osborne stated that he and Mr. Stewart met as requested by the last meeting and made a selection of Thirty-six Books a list of which he had now pleasure of laying before the Meeting for their approval , but the Meeting found that they would need to curtail the list to Twentythree so as not to exceed the ammount of two pounds . "
16 With many years of experience , Eddie handled each situation as exampled in the last call of the day at Carpetwise , when Dave Walker , the proprietor jokingly strangled Eddie because of a delivery problem This was instantly resolved by a telephone call to head office and followed up with a discussion on the test marketing of Stoddard Templeton 's new fabric venture .
17 Any questions with respect to the application of the word " deployed " as used in the last sentence of paragraph 3 of Article 5 will be decided by the government of the united Germany in a reasonable and responsible way taking into account the security interests of each contracting party as set forth in the preamble .
18 This latter intent is evidenced by the number of constables responsible for crime control in Protestant areas who see their role as also having social-welfare and community service dimensions , as illustrated in the last chapter , and , more significantly , by the fact that there are units in Easton specifically responsible for community policing in this largely Protestant district .
19 The special range of wildlife shower screens from Gelson Industries , as announced in the last edition of WWF News , is now widely available .
20 It is the Norah Batty syndrome , if I may be sexist , where far from losing a million people off the register as happened during the last census because of the poll tax , in the next census men will be sent to the shed at the bottom of the garden to keep out of the way .
21 VAT on domestic fuel will come in as detailed in the last budget .
22 As discussed in the last chapter , it was this author particularly who stressed the significance of the expressive order in understanding social processes and social relations .
23 As suggested in the last chapter , there has been a considerable amount of conflict in recent years about the autonomy of these authorities as ‘ policy makers ’ .
24 For much the same reason as suggested in the last paragraph , this seems a course of action which in practice would be ruled out for many of them by financial constraints : so again , for many , just wishful thinking .
25 Realism , as described in the last chapter , is essentially a call for the application of scientific method .
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