Example sentences of "[v-ing] [that] it be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is usually done in order to reassure the patient ( e.g. explaining that it is customary for a person 's interest in sex to be impaired when depressed ) .
2 It also remained a source of controversy among the Canadian electorate , its supporters maintaining that it was essential for competing with the world 's other large trading blocs , while its opponents blamed it for Canada 's current economic malaise .
3 The nettle — rash cleared up promptly and has not returned , suggesting that it was due to overgrowth of Candida in the gut as the specialist had suspected .
4 The whole question of the burden of proof was nicely summed up in the Esso case by Lord Hodson where he said : It has been authoritatively said that the onus of establishing that an agreement is reasonable as between the parties is upon the person who puts forward the agreement , while the onus of establishing that it is contrary to the public interest , being reasonable between the parties , is on the person so alleging …
5 He is a good cook , believing that it is important for men to learn to cook so that if they marry a woman not too well versed in the culinary arts , they will still survive !
6 We view the torso as a flexible tube or sausage-shape , remembering that it is capable of twists and bends in any direction at the waist : forwards , sideways and backwards .
7 We view the torso as a flexible tube or sausage-shape , remembering that it is capable of twists and bends in any direction at the waist : forwards , sideways and backwards .
8 It is worth remembering that it is useful to the Bank to know what their customers think of the services they receive : it enables them to improve upon the services they offer .
9 So many are expected to attend tomorrow 's budget meeting that it 's open to ticket holders only , among them senior teachers .
10 From this material he felt justified in inferring that the universe of galaxies is isotropic about ourselves , and in due course , in inferring that it is homogeneous in the large .
11 Efficient N-Oct 3 expression in vivo depends on deletion of a large portion of the 3' untranslated sequence , implying that it is likely to be a determinant of RNA instability .
12 She had thought long and hard before deciding that it was best for him to hear it from her rather than risk it reaching him through the more sensational tabloids , but she had braced herself for an outburst of shock , anger , even disgust .
13 But Hendry was unwittingly being protected behind a wall of silence , Doyle deciding that it was pointless to unduly alarm him with so many big tournaments coming up and while police collaborated with British Telecom to try and trace the woman .
14 ‘ save that it can be required by Matlodge [ the purchaser ] to give possession on not less than one quarter 's notice in writing upon Matlodge certifying that it is ready at the expiration of such notice forthwith to proceed with the development of the property and the neighbouring property involving , inter alia , the demolition of the property .
15 The Supreme Soviet also resolved on Oct. 25 to send a delegation of observers to the USSR Supreme Soviet 's Soviet of the Republics [ see below ] , noting that it was inexpedient for Ukraine to take part in inter-republican structures which could entail its forming part of another state .
16 An example of the use of isotopically-enriched 15 N is illustrated in Fig. 5.41 , in which a band just above 1000 cm -1 in the IR spectrum of is seen to shift to lower frequency , confirming that it is due to an Os-N stretch .
17 By section 50C , a lawful user is permitted to copy or adapt a computer program providing that it is necessary for his lawful use and not prohibited by the agreement regulating the use ( for example , a licence agreement ) .
18 ‘ I was just saying that it 's easier for me than it would be for your average Englishman .
19 ‘ I 'm not saying that women ca n't raise sons on their own , I 'm saying that it 's difficult for a woman to teach , and very near impossible , in my mind , for a woman to teach a young boy how to be a man .
20 The law used to look with disfavor on the statute of limitations , but I have been in the habit of saying that it is one of the most sacred and indubitable principles that we have …
21 This is a difficult question that will be examined more fully later ; for the present I will answer it ( rather unsatisfactorily ) by saying that it is unusual for a syllable said on a level pitch to be so prominent that it would be described as carrying a level tone .
22 DEC has decided to withdraw from exhibiting at the London Open Systems Show the first week in November , saying that it is worried about lack of support for the event .
23 However , where , as in the present case , there is an injunction in force , it seems to me that Mr. Langley and Mr. Philipson are right in saying that it is open to the court to consider the issue of validity , since , if the notice were indeed invalid , it could not override the injunction or give grounds for a variation .
24 The poet 's wife tried to avoid going , by saying that it was late for the child and that she would have expected her husband not to be curious .
25 Since Raymond-Berengar was married to the been of Aragon and ruled that kingdom in his wife 's name , he might have taken the title of king , but refused to do so , saying that it was better to be known as the greatest count rather than the seventh greatest king .
26 The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office rejected the threat , saying that it was contrary to the Basic Law .
27 Meiko Scientific Plc , Bristol has been getting a bit of stick in the US press following its sale of one of its massively parallel systems to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under a $15m agreement : complainants say the order should have gone to a US firm and not to a UK one ; Meiko repudiates ‘ the damaging impressions ’ created in a New York Times story on the order , saying that it was consistent with US national security policies and procedures with support provided by cleared US citizens ; it bridles at the suggestion that the machine is unproven , pointing to over 400 installations , and says the Israeli transaction was in compliance with both US and British export regulations and that this was confirmed by the British Embassy in Washington .
28 It is as though Lawrence was acknowledging that it is hard for human beings to say what they feel and that we often have to search for the form of words before we can find the words themselves .
29 The gerousia had the oligarchic failing that it was accountable to nobody , and its supposedly judicial decisions were sometimes ( as e.g. over King Pausanias in 403 , p. 183 ) politically warped .
30 As it stands , this maximin problem is not an LP but it can be made into one by observing that it is equivalent to maximising subject to min and the constraints .
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