Example sentences of "[v-ing] [that] [pron] will be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In much the same way that Kodak announced , in May of last year ( ahead of the actual launch ) , its plans for its revolutionary Photo CD project , ( a new technology which will revolutionise the way that pictures are viewed ) , so too Reebok , in March of this year , made a pre-emptive strike by announcing that it will be launching , ( initially at the Olympics in July ) , its latest technology , which will be introduced to tennis at the US Open , in September .
2 The local Licensed Victuallers Association have pointed out that all six pubs have gardens and car parks , suggesting that they will be converted to plastic ‘ eating houses ’ .
3 He accepts the evidence that there has been a drying-out in the continental interiors affecting both the United States and the Soviet Union and then qualifies his acceptance by suggesting that it will be remedied in the next century by greater precipitation .
4 Is he saying that they will be completed by Christmas ?
5 It 's ironical that only last week the National Association of Private Residential Homes were saying that they will be going bust as a result of inadequate funding .
6 We have all felt the frustration of dealing with institutions and bureaucracy — receiving the institutional brush off , the failure to generate a spark of interest or concern , knowing that nothing will be done and nothing change in response to your grievance .
7 Thirty years apart in age , they embraced with that warmth of affection which pious women sometimes allow themselves towards each other , knowing that it will be mistaken for nothing else .
8 It is not just that dealing with Old Age Pensioners who have reported missing budgies falls outside the definition of what counts as ‘ real ’ police work , the work is also disliked because it is problematic , for policemen need to display competence in the way they convey sympathy while admitting that nothing will be done .
9 In our view , though , every developer believes his own particular case to be unique , with ‘ special circumstances ’ to consider ; and every developer will seek to demolish existing listed buildings by arguing that they will be replaced by a much better piece of architecture .
10 ‘ We will be endeavouring to get our budget within the £7.127m. limit and we are hoping that it will be achieved relatively painlessly . ’
11 An enclosed community guards and cares for an enclosed community and we the public gladly subcontract this duty , hoping that it will be carried out unseen and unheard .
12 After a time , realizing that it will be deprived from human company , it should desist .
13 Firstly , the Swapo-Democrat emblem is placed just above the Swapo emblem on the ballot paper , meaning that it will be seen first .
14 Parsytec reckons the system offers better performance than traditional high end workstations and is anticipating that it will be used mainly for graphics , design and animation ; technical and economic modelling ; manufacturing and office automation systems .
15 Parsytec reckons the system offers better performance than traditional high end workstations and is anticipating that it will be used mainly for graphics , design and animation ; technical and economic modelling ; manufacturing and office automation systems .
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