Example sentences of "[v-ing] [that] [pron] was [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Lee Kuan Yew 's son Lee Hsien Loong took over Goh 's post as PAP first assistant secretary-general and remained a Deputy Prime Minister ; however , he had given up the Trade and Industry portfolio in mid-November after announcing that he was undergoing treatment for cancer .
2 Premadasa on Aug. 30 countered an attempt in Parliament to impeach him , by announcing that he was suspending Parliament until Sept. 24 .
3 ‘ How do you do ? ’ said Julia , realising that she was shaking hands with the man who had sent David to fight with the Italian partisans .
4 He started staying late in the office , until 10.00 pm. or later pretending that he was contacting clients .
5 Thus , in 1614 James I , believing that he was making presents more valuable than his ambassadors at foreign courts were receiving , ordered that in future the French and Spanish resident ambassadors , who had hitherto been given 4,000 ounces of plate on their departure , should in future receive only half as much and that the representatives of lesser states should also have their customary allowance cut by half .
6 I was really excited , believing that I was going places .
7 When , in well-cut white satin and glycerine tears , she sobbed , Oh but Daddy I do love him , I do love him , he still tried to reason with her ; but then when he saw her hitching up the satin and running across the lawn , throwing off the veil , scattering the astonished wedding guests as she ran , and when he saw her jumping into a truck , not caring that she was getting petrol stains all over her broderie anglaise , jumping into a truck and not with the man they all expected her to love , but with the one she really loves , and then driving off with him in a cheap pickup truck to a motel in Wisconsin , shouting out , Goodbye Father , Goodbye Father ! as she goes ; well when he saw her doing that then Boy could not bring himself to disapprove .
8 She stiffened , suspecting that he was making fun of her .
9 Somehow she suddenly felt so overwhelmingly aware of Ven that , while recognising that she was eating beef of some kind , food as such seemed incidental .
10 When this order first went out there was great alarm and feeling that it was to tax Christenings , Weddings and Burials .
11 She died in her sleep while dreaming that she was teaching geography , her mind quite lucid again .
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