Example sentences of "[v-ing] [that] [pron] [verb] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 A further 14 per cent of pupils gave answers suggesting that they thought that the left hand end of the line represented either 0 or I. Whether this is due to a conceptual difficulty or a casual approach was not established .
2 Bill Gates , chairman of Microsoft Corp , told La Tribune that he was interested in developing software for digital high definition television , adding that he thought that the Japanese Muse system would fail since digital was the way forward .
3 Connally conveyed a defeatist air , commenting that he feared that the communists would overrun Korea and the same was probably true of Taiwan .
4 Couple of points that were made in relation to this particular report was the backing by the employee side , erm , to the wages board initiative that took when we wrote to the government saying that we felt that the abolition of the wages board was not in the best interests erm , of the people of Lincolnshire .
5 When the Thyssen Collection captured Mrs Thatcher 's imagination in 1989 , the National Gallery wrote a report saying that they thought that the Sutherland Collection was far more important to this country .
6 During 1964 a backbencher asked about the amount of news broadcast by TBC , saying that he thought that the Voice of Kenya broadcast more .
7 And he had tried to be helpful about the blotter , staring at it with almost painful intensity before saying that he thought that the black markings had n't been there when he had last seen the blotter on Monday evening .
8 The writer is saying that he understood that the church was not really interested in helping the poor , just in attracting new members to the church for its own glory and ultimate gain .
9 On the teletext today it had a few words from Fergie saying that he reckoned that the no. of points they need to win the league is 84 .
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