Example sentences of "[v-ing] [that] [pron] [verb] [adv] [been] " in BNC.

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1 He told the details to an incredulous audience , although tactfully leaving out the part about Steinmark 's base habits , merely suggesting that he had probably been taking a short cut across the line .
2 Examination of the metal showed that it had always been in a clean condition with no evidence of corrosion , suggesting that it had never been buried .
3 ‘ Not too good , I 've heard , ’ said Greg , not adding that he had just been grilling the doctor who signed her second husband 's death certificate .
4 ‘ Why ? ’ she demanded , finally deciding that she 'd just been insulted .
5 There are some very good authors in the list , but recalling that there has never been a good book on poppies or penstemons , one might wish for a little more innovation in such lists .
6 For example , on one occasion a youth was caught urinating in the street late at might , and was very respectful and deferential when caught in the act , but , upon the policeman recalling that he had recently been one of a group which had shouted abuse at him , an act expected from gougers , he was arrested , and the incident was treated as a case of indecent exposure .
7 Am I right in saying that you 've also been very you 've also changed with the times as well , and adjusted
8 The order , issued at the end of talks between IAEA and Iraqi officials in Vienna on March 20-25 , was described as " unfair " by the chief Iraqi negotiator , Khalid Ibrahim Sa'id , who had reportedly argued against Al-Atheer 's destruction , saying that it had originally been conceived as a civilian facility and should be allowed to continue operating as such .
9 Doreen , loyal to her role of concubine , had tried to cheer him up by saying that it had never been so good .
10 The Mukhabarat demanded he sign an affidavit accusing his brother of all sorts of other crimes and saying that he had always been a traitor at heart .
11 The data will be retrieved from the database , assuming that it has already been collected and stored .
12 In order to calculate what your entitlement to the additonal reg=additional pension is , the DHSS starts by assuming that you have always been contracted in .
13 She kept in the background , realizing that she had only been brought along to make up numbers .
14 But the whole experience left me ruefully feeling that it had perhaps been a mistake to publish a report about them .
15 I am sure you will be feeling that it has all been worthwhile .
16 One day a child came home from Sunday School declaring that he had just been hearing about how Moses crossed the Red Sea with tanks and Bailey bridges .
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