Example sentences of "[v-ing] [that] [pron] [verb] [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Redwood gave his warning while announcing that he had instructed the Land Authority for Wales to make more land available for housing .
2 Henry had tried to tempt him into making a racist statement by announcing that he had seen a black person outside the window two weeks ago , but all the constable had said was ‘ You do n't see many coloureds in this part of Wimbledon . ’
3 In announcing that he had signed the legislation , Bush issued a statement in which he expressed strong distaste for several ( unidentified ) provisions , and criticized as " unnecessary " the bill 's central attempt to define covert action .
4 He even embellished the story in a flood of fluent German , explaining that they had captured the British truck and had had a hard time of it at the front .
5 When Jennifer rushed in at 7.15 , explaining that she had caught the bus home , Sue , her flatmate , raised her eyebrows .
6 Today Wilkinson hit back , explaining that he had picked the best team for the job and claiming his selection was vindicated by a 3–0 win .
7 Only when he trawled his memory of leaving the room earlier , and found there a distinct recollection of checking that he had locked the door behind him , did irritation turn to anxiety .
8 I believe now the driver — I did n't see who it was — was checking that I had left the pub .
9 Crown counsel informed defence counsel of an inconsistency between the sister 's testimony and her first statement without showing him that statement or revealing that she had made a second statement confirming the first statement in that respect .
10 If we pursue the last option then we might have a job proving that we have made a successful descent but at least it would then truly become a purely personal outing in a boat .
11 British Telecom will disconnect your phone at the exchange while you are away , so that callers will hear the discontinued number tone , suggesting that you 've changed the number , did n't pay the bill , or there 's a fault on the line — BT wo n't tell them .
12 Driving with difficulty through torrential rain while thunder and lightning crashed overhead , Jack found himself in a narrow West Country lane , realising that he had missed the turning that would have brought him back on to the main road .
13 But if we lost in 1992 — as we certainly lost in 1987 — because prosperous voters feared that we would reduce their disposable income , we will not win back those middle income families by pretending that we have abandoned the very purpose of our creation and our existence .
14 Yet the paradox is that we only use the word hypocrisy when we have reasons for believing that we have found the thing itself .
15 A fun item , it seemed , with a policeman vouchsafing that he had chased a puma in his panda car .
16 the first bit yeah you 're remembering the last bit when you 're remembering that you 've forgot the first bit .
17 And if , if he says to us in meeting that he 's got no small talk and no erm ability for visiting in a hospital situation where you can ask people how they are , and then can move to the next person you 've got to see I 'm not sure how he would be visiting someone in their home .
18 Such application may be made at the time when the order is made ; if not then applied for , the practice required , at least in some courts , is that the applicant should certify in writing that he has notified the other party of the intended application .
19 In the relative quiet that followed Harbury appealed to Rain for information about Wickham , ignoring that she 'd had no success over Pascoe .
20 Anna was so startled by his perception and directness that she said , ‘ I was worrying that you had got the wrong impression , that you — ’ She stopped , silenced by loyalty .
21 The sanctuary attendants arrested Apollonius at once as a magician and a robber , suspecting that he had tamed the dogs with the intention of stealing the sanctuary treasure .
22 For example , the percentage reporting that they had had a cold or flu in the previous month showed little change with age .
23 The SOC government issued a communiqué on March 29 stating that it had ordered an offensive against Khmer Rouge forces in Kompong Thom province , in an attempt to reopen strategic highways .
24 Iliescu , in an emergency television news bulletin on Feb. 16 , announced Militaru 's resignation , stating that he had accepted a " request to remove the General " .
25 Many headhunters themselves accept that some candidates are justified in considering that they have had a raw deal .
26 Chéron took it off and replaced it with a poem by Baudelaire , considering that he had elevated the tone .
27 Vulgar song , but I 'm demonstrating that I 've seen the light at last .
28 Okay , they 're poor paid , but at least they would have the pride of saying that they 've got a job whereas the elderly are having to just sit at home and turning down their fires and turning down their central heating in case they ca n't afford their bills !
29 We , we had a letter from the International Secretarium in August or September I think saying that they 'd changed the law and all prisoners of a certain category should have been released and our prisoners were amongst , our prisoner was amongst that list , but erm , they did n't say that they have n't got any definite news whether he had been or not , about the release .
30 European observers were reported as saying that they had witnessed no serious problems during voting but did not comment on the claim of fraud after the close of stations .
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