Example sentences of "[v-ing] [that] [pron] [verb] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The locals are praying that he wants to stay in Santa Barbara forever .
2 Mars-Jones J in Palacath Ltd v Flanagan [ 1985 ] 2 All ER 161 decided that a surveyor was not immune without specifically denying that he had acted as a quasi-arbitrator .
3 He might as well have descended on the Palace , announcing that he had come for a stay .
4 I was explaining that we had fallen in need of a housekeeper and an under-butler at one and the same time and Miss Kenton had arrived — with unusually good references , I recall — to take up the former post .
5 Two days earlier the Home Secretary had sent a minute to the Prime Minister explaining that he proposed to answer on these lines .
6 I leant back and looked at the seat of my trousers , checking that I had brushed off the mud ; I wanted to make the transition from somebody who had just slept rough to somebody who looked as though he was out for an early walk .
7 The anthropologist 's appetite for information and his curiosity are boundless , and he is naturally particularly attracted by those avenues of inquiry where the answers come hard , suggesting that he has touched on a sensitive and hence significant vein .
8 ‘ Are you suggesting that I 've come to — ? ’
9 According to the conventional wisdom , fusion required great heat and hence could only have happened when the Earth was being formed ; however , if the Earth is five billion years old , all the helium would by now have risen away , yet it was there in amounts suggesting that it had appeared in the atmosphere only recently .
10 ‘ Can I get it for you ? ’ he said , seeing that she had settled into a chair .
11 ‘ In the same way as some people might go to church and seek absolution , accepting that I have confessed to these sins makes me feel better .
12 Two men talked their way into the home of two elderly sisters , pretending that they had come on behalf of neighbours to cut down trees in the garden .
13 To my utter surprise , Arune went home after one evenings viewing and produced the V-neck sweater with patterning that she had seen on the Video !
14 Indeed , some families will want to talk about the present , believing that what has occurred in the past is of little or no consequence .
15 She kept remembering that he had walked in this room , sat in the chairs , eaten at the table .
16 An army spokesman pointed out to journalists that the men were being held under anti-terrorist legislation and added that they had already been interrogated and had been ‘ singing like birds ’ , a phrase from the criminal underworld implying that they had confessed to crimes .
17 It was in the course of that initial watching and listening that she had come across Amy .
18 At least he 'd made someone happy , he thought drily , regretting that he 'd snarled at the lad in front of him .
19 He did so in this case ( deciding that it did amount to a material change of use ) .
20 England 's players had a lazy rest day today , many of them reporting that they felt drained by playing in the heat and humidity of the first three days .
21 If it 's the non-taxpayer owns the account in that case , then she can pay the whole of that thousand pounds into a joint account for them both , and they can both use the income , the revenue are n't going to b bother about where the money 's gone , providing that it 's received by the person who owns the investment .
22 The others have been very positive about the programme , stating that they preferred to know about their sons ' condition from an early stage .
23 When she arrived at the theatre that night she saw a note pinned up at the stage door stating that it had come to the management 's notice that a Girl had been flying , which was forbidden !
24 ‘ That probably sounds simple-minded to you , considering that you live surrounded by such things , but — ’
25 " He could have given me a ticking off , considering that he 'd gone to the trouble of telling me that you were coming .
26 Three hearty hurrahs , therefore , for the inventors of the GuitaRest , the kind of ultra-neat idea that keeps you awake at night wishing that you 'd thought of it .
27 At the moment he 's probably wishing that he 'd stuck to music .
28 There was nearly a mile of dense woodland at this point before the swampy ground began and it was over an hour before Crane returned saying that no-one had passed on that side .
29 To suppose that we have to choose between mentalism and behaviourism is like saying that we have to choose between saying that the words ‘ trump ’ and ‘ revoke ’ designate feelings of triumph and embarrassment , and saying that they designate triumphant and embarrassed behaviour .
30 We can also recognise , as we did , at an , on an earlier paper that it is national government policy and increasingly so , to encourage the development of capital schemes , borrowing , we noted that in relation to transport and the availability of S C A's I think it 's also right to say that the government does set down the level of borrowing which can be entered into in in any one year , that is the credit approvals are controlled by the government and they do make them available to the County Council and to district Councils , so in a sense , the government is both saying that we expect borrowing to be a feature of a budget and also that we want to control , and restrict the amount of money that can be borrowed through the amount of credit approvals .
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