Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to-vb] [pron] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If your business is larger it takes more organisation and record keeping to know what the magic formula is for each customer .
2 The final barrier to its operation came after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in the Soviet Union , when the North-Rhine Westphalia administration responded to intensified local concern by refusing to grant it the required license to operate .
3 With regard to the right hon. Gentleman 's earlier remarks about opting in , I suggest that he discusses that matter with his right hon. Friends who would have signed the treaty in full without waiting to see what the economic conditions were at a later stage .
4 So far no action has been taken against travellers refusing requests to stub-out their cigarettes , and the campaign group is waiting to see what the next move will be .
5 ‘ The poor tyke must think she 's going to give him the Genestealer kiss .
6 ‘ Are you going to give me the macho caveman act ?
7 He then accepted this and he told me he was going to pay me the other £2,500 in Turkey in Turkish money . ’
8 ‘ My mistress 's niece , that 's her on top of the furniture , is not going to pay you the extra twopence , ’ said the driver .
9 As we set out in the truck which was going to take us the eight miles to Oakington , I was conscious that for once I was really looking my absolute best .
10 ‘ I 'm going to make you the new Madonna , ’ Waterman promised his new prodigy , but even today he shakes his head disbelievingly at the opportunity others missed .
11 ‘ I 'm going to make you the next Madonna . ’
12 Er so er I mean they 're going to show you the seven year figure , maybe do n't show you the ten year figure , because they do n't look too good over ten years .
13 We 're having to do it the hard way . ’
14 I was just dithering , trying to see what the new keys were , when I thought ‘ shit , unless I can send it , there s no point me carrying on ’ .
15 In both situations , time taken trying to establish who the key influencers and decision-makers are will be well rewarded .
16 But it was typical of Pound 's kindness , even to a potential enemy or rival , that he should have so persisted in trying to give me the right contacts .
17 In The Hidden Files , his fascinating contemplation of his life and his work , he confesses that writing Suarez almost cost him his sanity , and in trying to analyse what the black novel means to him he returns to it again and again , like a child rubbing a particularly vicious boil .
18 Eddington paused , then replied , " I am trying to think who the third person is . " )
19 If it were abandoned , the burden on local authorities of trying to collect what the Prime Minister described as a virtually uncollectable tax would be substantially lightened , and that would be of great benefit .
20 Between November 1981 and November 1983 , encouragement was given to unemployed men over the age of 60 to withdraw from the labour force by offering to pay them the long-term rate of supplementary benefit if they agreed not to register as unemployed .
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