Example sentences of "[v-ing] [subord] [pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And he said , I had all that and that 's why every time you called me something I just kept laughing cos I had it on tape .
2 She sat there , quivering as he took her in his arms , kissing her so sweetly that she thought the pain of love would tear open her heart .
3 Ronni looked into his eyes and smiled at the compliment , inwardly shuddering as he took her in his arms and proceeded to lead her in time to the music .
4 He strode on ahead of her , rather than waiting for her to join him as he would normally have done , and the slightly calculated rudeness had her frowning as she followed him into his office .
5 After years of hard work , I think we 've got it looking as we want it to . ’
6 Rune filled her glass , watching her as she half emptied it in one long swallow , waiting until she replaced it on the table before enquiring mildly , ‘ Then what happened ? ’
7 She was n't lying when she told me about him and she lies awake at night crying for him .
8 Ben gave the right answer literally speaking because it said it on the sheet of paper .
9 I have n't stayed in for about two months , about eight weeks , not one night , and he goes , ‘ I think you should stay in at least one ’ , and I goes , ‘ If you think I 'm staying in then you get lost , because I 'm not staying in this flaming house ’ , and he goes , ‘ You 're staying when I tell you to ’ , and I goes , ‘ I wo n't ’ , and I walked out and came back ten minutes later and said , ‘ I 'm going out , all right ? ’ and he goes , ‘ Okay ’ , and he give me some money to go out and come up here [ to the youth club ] .
10 I mean , no , I 'm not kidding when you drag them from where I am , down to the scales that 's fucking hard work mate !
11 I goes what ? , oh do n't worry , I was pretending not to hear what she was saying cos she misses it after a while , thought
12 feelings such as anger , worry and guilt are only worth having if they provoke you into doing something effective .
13 ‘ I tried to take some pressure off him by saying if we saw him before Christmas it would be a bonus .
14 Fran must have made some noise , some movement , some tiny betraying gesture , because he swung round , his face hardening when he saw her in the doorway .
15 If only she could understand the excruciating pain her boys are suffering when she treats them like this , and realise that they will carry that pain for the rest of their lives .
16 Bridget had n't been exaggerating when she warned her of his lack of discretion .
17 ‘ When I beat Nick for the Barcelona Open it gave me a three-year exemption on the tour but it turned out to be a £90,000 exemption — that 's what it cost me to keep playing until I lost it in 1991 . ’
18 ‘ I 'd take your clothes off now and prove it to you , ’ he said thickly , and his hands were shaking as they held her by the hips .
19 Someone brought her a coffee and she smiled vague thanks , noting with the same odd detachment that her hands were shaking as she clasped them around the mug .
20 He was still talking as he propelled her through the door and back along the corridor towards the exit , barely pausing for breath , and giving her no chance at all to interrupt .
21 Peter took the end of a candle from his pocket , and his hand was shaking when he lit it with a match .
22 In Ireland , even in high summer they say , never bet on mirages ; as you approach ever closer to those distant shimmering patches , they go on shimmering until they force you to detour around them — or get wet .
23 He sat on the edge of her desk , watching as she tidied it without really thinking about what she was doing .
24 ‘ Where are we going ? ’ she asked , gasping as he dragged her towards the barn .
25 Even as he carried her out of the lighted kitchen his lips continued to caress her and she was not in any way close to recovering as he placed her on her feet in her own room .
26 They needed polishing before she subjected them to Alexander Vass 's scrutiny .
27 His head was spinning as he led her into the reception building .
28 I remember him chuckling when he told me about the big farm men who came to have their teeth extracted .
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