Example sentences of "[v-ing] [coord] [verb] [pron] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the later part of the decade , its theories and campaigns seemed to many to be the only active and innovative part of the western feminist movement , and affirming or rejecting it occupied an enormous proportion of feminist writing and talk .
2 ‘ 'He that calls his brother a fool shall be damned ’ , ’ Terry said , and laughing and teasing they left the house and took a tramcar to Lime Street Station .
3 Since the article need not be made or adapted for burglary , stealing or cheating it bears a wide meaning .
4 Carers can be completely tied to their homes , their days a daily round of housework , laundry , dressing , feeding and toiletting which consumes a great deal of time and effort .
5 In Rulfo 's Pedro Páramo , likewise , the frustration that embitters the eponymous protagonist 's life and the dashing of illusions that is the pattern of existence as depicted in the novel , are symbolized by an episode in which young Pedro and his lover climb a hill and fly a kite in the shape of a bird , only to see the string break and the kite fall back to earth , and the novel as a whole is punctuated by recurrent images of rising and falling which reiterate the central theme of the thwarting of human hopes and aspirations .
6 for through running and persuade them to use the spur as a terminal stub .
7 After I 've stopped chucking and coughing they restart the video and we cut to the other scene and the tall hospital chair and the little guy again with empty eyes and McDunn says his bit about Persistent Vegetative State .
8 These are electronic devices which are connected into the video transfer line , and they not only optimise the signal for copying but enable you to control the picture brightness and colour ; fades can be added as well .
9 Tell me was I dreaming or did I see a sketch on T V where there 's a car driving round , down the road being chased by the police and the driver said to the passenger er here take this and he says what 's that for and he says it 's to steer the car , presses a button and the car splits
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