Example sentences of "[v-ing] [coord] [noun] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In the early post-war years , matching or percentage grants by the centre met a share of approved local spending .
2 During 1845 no less than £45 : 0s. : 0d. was spent on slating and floor flagging at the Forge Cottages , which suggests the ground floors might originally have been earth — common enough .
3 Entertainments including music , singing and dancing held in the lower cafe part of the Priory would be even closer to residential properties in the village square and thus more likely to disturb local residents .
4 Warm sun , birds singing and dragonflies skimming over the pool .
5 The gunmen kept firing and bullets went through the victim , injuring the youth trapped underneath him .
6 With nerves jangling , palms sweating and nails bitten to the bone , the same unthinkable notion was in the minds of millions — surely the US PGA Championship is not going to be won by someone called …
7 At the far end , eight wireless receivers stood in line abreast ; doors marked Teleprinters , Coding and Signals opened off the main office space , while in its centre men sat at typewriters , index fingers jabbing furiously .
8 Ponds can be watched for reflections on still water , sunlight sparkling and ripples caused by the wind .
9 The holiday includes walking , horse riding and mountain biking in the area . .
10 If we analyse the relation between the event of " passively experiencing " denoted by have and that of saying or happening denoted by the infinitive , it becomes obvious immediately that the two must be conceived as occurring in the same stretch of time : one can only experience something while it is happening .
11 It is particularly interesting that this strengthening or preservation applies to the conjunction of two stimuli , as shown in the strabismus experiment : cells that respond to joint excitation of the two eyes are normally found , but are missing if joint excitation has been made very improbable by misaligning the eyes .
12 And , in a fascinating study , Carol Barnes , whose earlier research includes the correlations between ageing , learning and LTP mentioned in the previous paragraph , has allowed rats to live in the type of enriched environment typical of the experiments of Rosenzweig , Bennett and Diamond described in Chapter 6 .
13 As a songwriter and musician himself , Terry Merrick is always prepared to act as more than just an engineer , where necessary putting his skill at playing and song arranging at the disposal of clients .
14 During this time Mr Reynolds was taught breathing and leg exercises by the physiotherapist to prevent post-operative complications and the stoma care nurse , together with the ward nurses , taught him about having a colostomy and caring for it .
15 Against them were marshalled industrial capital in coal mining , shipping and shipbuilding led by the great radical ( Karl Marx 's description ) Joseph Cowen .
16 The music ( marshalled by Ian Broudie ) also has a perverse appeal , flutes whistling and horns parping to the synthetic groove .
17 Packing and delivery included in the price .
18 During laparotomy , 2 cm of more proximal bile duct was missing and bile leaked from the common hepatic duct into the abdominal cavity , explaining the absence of obstructive jaundice .
19 Several years after the Tennant 's moved to Glenconner Farm , Ochiltree , old John Tennant learned that the village crier required a horn to sound before he made his proclamations around the district , so he had a silver mounting and mouthpiece fitted to the bullock 's horn and presented it to the village .
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