Example sentences of "[v-ing] [art] [noun pl] [v-ing] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Picturing the pounds mounting up in my handbag , I pushed myself harder , indifferent to the veins aching with fatigue and the bits of my body which cried out with exhaustion and craved for sleep .
2 Whilst on duty one Saturday afternoon during the early part of 1975 , he heard the sound of footsteps ascending the steps leading up to the box , then he became aware of the figure of a man about to enter the lobby or vestibule outside the door .
3 Cleveland police have spent five months investigating the events leading up to Mr Corden 's arrest in October last year .
4 ‘ The Bourne shell was a good start , but Berkeley added the C shell and Berkeley extensions , such as vi , refining the ideas coming out of Bell Labs .
5 They had run into a few mobs of scuffling Haitians , but fortunately , they were mostly without firearms and so the Doctor and Howard had been able to drive through them , sending the mobs scurrying out of their way .
6 Sara stood on deck for hours , watching the seabirds gliding along beside the ship , listening to the gruff conversations of the men on deck , and wondering — endlessly — what Dom João would be like .
7 well just six hours to go to that vital clash vs the canaries — i predict a 2–1 win for us and scum getting shaky and cantona leaving an monkeys growing out of my butt and …
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