Example sentences of "[v-ing] [art] [noun sg] from [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The journal carries audio-visual , book and parish programme reviews , keeps catechists and teachers up-to-date with vital research in the area of RE and catechetics and gives useful ideas on teaching the faith from round the world .
2 Erm well as many of you know the first one of the first things that you see , if you 're c approaching the town from from the A six one two , from er .
3 The interest in values education across the curriculum , e.g. in anti-sexism , anti-racism , and anti-elitism , and the impact of the " Green Movement " in all subject areas , is in fact taking the mat from under the feet of such HCF RE .
4 Fig 93 Taking a transit from behind the start boat .
5 The ICAEW resolve the problem by choosing an expert from amongst the top 20 – 30 firms , rather than those who used to be called the " big eight " .
6 He felt he should be watching the road from behind the curtains , waiting for the badmen to arrive at High Noon , while in the background a voice intoned ‘ Do not forsake me , o my darling ’ .
7 Haunting the city from across the Nile are the three Great Pyramids and the Sphinx , these colossal constructions have guarded the desert border for over three and a half thousand years .
8 Magda ze Schluderpacheru was unslinging a rocket-launcher from under the bar , and passing it across to the Maniax .
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