Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] a [noun] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Information derived from these is used in a variety of ways , but most frequently in contributing towards a base for decision-making in the areas of planning and marketing .
2 He was also carrying £70,000 which he was depositing in a bank for payment for the work that had just been completed .
3 The potential of Belbin 's analysis for team management includes clarifying team needs when recruiting new members , allocation of roles , identifying training and development needs , constituting new teams and serving as a basis for team review .
4 Soon after the return of the Beagle , when he was still seeking for a mechanism for evolution , he began a series of notebooks , the M and N notebooks , which are in effect a search for a materialist theory of psychology : they are concerned with anything — for example , the effects of drugs , of ageing — which suggests that thoughts are influenced by the state of the brain .
5 If you can afford one , a good plugger can benefit both the artist and the radio station by acting as a fixer for guest appearances , or providing news and creative ideas ; but like everything , some pluggers are better than others , and radio producers usually prefer to exercise their own musical judgement and not to pander to pluggers ' suggestions .
6 This project worked with existing community groups in the area , helping to set up new groups and acting as a resource for community action .
7 ( e ) The least common , but worthy of note is a seller acting as a tenant for life .
8 He had spent his life , as many of the French intelligentsia had , looking for a basis for order in society .
9 The doctor claims to be looking for a cure for river blindness but his strange behaviour makes Teresa suspicious .
10 David Elsworth is still looking for a jockey for Ghofar .
11 Early evidence of GP fundholding shows ‘ clear evidence of benefits ’ , according to A Foothold for Funding , a research report by Professor Howard Glennerster and colleagues at the London School of Economics .
12 From the manse the police took away the minister 's cloak , a long black cloak with a hood that he used for funerals , Remembrance Day services , and other outdoor events associated with his ministry ; they removed a broken cross , waiting in a cupboard for repair ; but they did not take the broken-off piece of that cross which was lying at the bottom of the same cupboard .
13 We 're going to a restaurant for dinner so I want to have something special ;
14 Thirdly , if there has been such a form of duress leading to a contract for consideration , I think that contract is a voidable one which can be avoided and the excess money paid under it recovered .
15 Thus one starts with an indication that more than one person may be affected by the problem , and that there may have been a crisis or trigger-event leading to a referral for assistance at this point .
16 The next year he wrote to Stead of having lived almost entirely in towns and , though not lacking in a feeling for nature , tending to go back to his memories of Missouri and New England for natural images .
17 Is proceeding to a port for export ;
18 The big boy 's asking for a bike for Christmas and Joanna wants dolls .
19 Well , what we 're having for a dinner for lunch I think we 're having bacon and eggs and sausage and things like that .
20 When a signal was given for the ladies to retire , leaving the men to their port and cigars , Sarah hurried to the kitchen , scurrying like a rabbit for shelter .
21 Since the Board are entering into a Scheme for adult education in co-operation with the LEA in Cambridgeshire much in the same way ( as ) had been done in Bedfordshire it seems as if it might be best for the Board to be recognised as the Responsible Body for this type of course .
22 When dealing with a claim for freezer contents it is worthwhile considering the capacity of the freezer in relation to the size of the claim .
23 A slightly older child was given the task of colouring in a picture for part of her correspondence lessons .
24 As soon as Delaney stumbled through he was sent reeling by a wave , clutching at a pillar for support , and nearly going over the side .
25 In later life he expanded this social interest , even attempting to enter Parliament , standing as a candidate for East Worcestershire in 1874 , but his platform , based on proposals to deal with the health problems of prostitution near garrisons and naval establishments , attracted little support .
26 One of his last appearances in Scottish football was playing as a mercenary for Scone Thistle in the Perthshire juvenile league .
27 ( iii ) Any other equitable charge not secured by a deposit of documents not arising under a trust for sale or a settlement and not included in any other land charge ( " a general equitable charge " ) .
28 Mm , yeah , ideal for putting in a picture for Christmas well I think nothing for me today
29 In responding to a plea for help from Spain 's Popular Front government , Stalin was thus pursuing what he perceived to be the foreign policy interests of the Soviet Union .
30 In arriving at a figure for stock in a business manufacturing and assembling furniture what questions would need to be considered ?
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