Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] [subord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We emerged from the shadow of the station into the bright light of noon , and Daffodil Quentin under her sunburst of curls made an entrance from the dome car end , looking about her as if accustomed to people leaping up to help .
2 The eagle was clinging with his talons to the wall of the old female 's cage and seemed to be looking into it as if to work out where she had gone .
3 He 'd got up , and he was looking at me as if to say Coming ? supposing he was the kind of normal person who said that kind of thing .
4 I 'm the company secretary , so it was essential that I was there and , as our timetables kept being shifted , I could see Martin looking at me as if to say is she going to make it ?
5 But he 's started looking at me as if to say , ‘ Perhaps she does understand after all . ’ '
6 Now well I 'm sitting there , Robert 's my customer and like I 'm sitting there and he comes out with this fabulous spiel , right , as this objection , right , that was word perfect and he 's sitting there after he 's finished it as smug as anything and looking at me as if to say so what are you gon na do about that then ?
7 Anyway I 'll , I 'll just finish er telling you this , so Robert 's then sitting back smug with himself and looking at me as if to say what do you think about then , and I 'm thinking I 've heard these words before , where have I heard these words before
8 And then , even while she was making valiant efforts to control herself , because for certain he was going to set about strangling her at any moment , after some seconds of looking at her as if staggered , suddenly , and to her amazement , he was seeing the funny side of it also — and he was laughing too !
9 He did not answer , just stood there looking at her as if trying to make up his mind how to begin .
10 He was given lots of cuddles because he kept looking at us as if to say ‘ What has happened to me ? ’ ‘
11 Luke was still staring at her as if expecting a rabbit to emerge from her sleeve at any moment .
12 Mandeville was staring at me as if trying to read my thoughts .
13 He and his sister stood on either side of the bed , bending over her as if to protect her from the perils of the night with their own flesh and bone .
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