Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [noun pl] which [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In addition there are difficulties associated with trials relating to incidents which happened in times long gone by .
2 Whatever justifications were invoked , sentiments of this sort show a new violence in antisemitic feeling quite different from the traditional popular dislike of Jews exploited , for example , by a Russian government looking for scapegoats which led in 1881 to a terrible series of anti-Jewish riots , followed by legislation creating new ghettoes .
3 It was mainly the two women 's voices , cascading with emotions which erupted with a startling suddenness and burst explosively into the surface of life .
4 John Searle has compared the computational view of mind to an Englishman who has no understanding of Chinese processing Chinese symbols according to rules which correspond to the grammar of Chinese : what he deals with may be meaningful Chinese sentences , but he is none the wiser .
5 This kind of view is reasonably common in managerial literature , which attempts to come up with training and motivational techniques for dealing with conflicts which arise in what are seen as potentially ‘ conflict-free , organisations .
6 This document , written by Hornby , emphasized that the Council had set up a procedure for dealing with proposals which began with a detailed scrutiny of documents from the college and involved painstaking work by the subject boards , so that the Council ‘ might establish the standards of its degrees ’ .
7 Towards the central area of trees and bushes starlings streamed , alighting on branches which swayed under the weight .
8 I am talking about phrases which speak to the country by capturing its mood or its hopes .
9 Because here your situation , the murder that has been committed , is if anything more static , and your detective 's progress towards unravelling it is liable to become a rather dull series of minor discoveries , often arising from interviews which tend to be similar in pattern .
10 It has been exported since 1817 , when it first went to the USA and Canada , soon spreading into Mexico and South America and readily adapting to environments which ranged from very cold uplands to hot , semi-desert plains .
11 In comparison with the other two passages , this one has a rather low frequency of nouns ( 4 ) ; moreover , over half of these nouns are abstract ( 20 ) , referring to entities which exist on a social or psychological plane : effort , subject , terms , money , feelings and aristocracy all occur in the first sentence .
12 Sitcoms like Love Thy Neighbour , Till Death Us Do Part and Mind Your Language were stuffed to bursting with gags which operated on the principle that differences of colour or culture were an endless source of easy laughs .
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