Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [noun] that she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Over the tops of the heads Jess stared at her , hunting for help that she knew would never come .
2 She gives you a tour of that painting in cheerful detail , noting with satisfaction that she had managed to achieve in part of the backdrop the right kind of ‘ girny ’ blue .
3 His reply was so matter-of-fact , so lacking in emotion that she found it hard to believe .
4 That same night she had gone to Yeoman 's Lane for the last time , accepting without pain that she had thought their love was untouchable , yet now it was as if it had never been .
5 She managed this better than I did , presumably having had practice and certainly having the advantage of knowing in advance that she stuck out about eighteen inches in front of where she ought to have been .
6 Davidson , who had previously been married for a total of less than five years to three different wives , said after falling for Tracie that she had made a new man of him .
7 She was immediately angry with herself for admitting to Eleanor that she had read those newspaper items , and that they had got to her .
8 Hoping against hope that she had not ducked out back to her own flat — not that she 'd blame her ! — Leith skirted the room until her eyes were drawn to a settee that had been pushed back to the side of the room .
9 We 're hoping against hope that she 's gone off with a friend or a boyfriend and will get in touch with her parents .
10 The Comédie Française did not impress her either , for it seemed to her a collection of posturing gabbling shadows , mocking at plays that she had studied in tranquillity and silence : the celebrated mirrors of Versailles were all spotty , Notre-Dame looked at her as though it had two spires missing from on top , and the famous intellectual cafés were full of old men and tourists .
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