Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [noun] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That philosopher , ’ said Scarlet , who seemed to have forgotten about going home , ‘ the one I was telling you about , he used to go galloping after women all over the place when his hair and his teeth were all falling out , and he used to write about the terrific compassion he felt for the human race , and his breath was foul .
2 A fundamental process of change is occurring within society both in the UK and certain other richer nations : this has been termed the emergence of ‘ post-industrial society ’ ( Bell , 1973 ) .
3 Caitlin was off at the BBC studios , he was appearing on Crimewatch later in the evening .
4 When it comes to that though there will be people from other green parties who who 'll be looking for accommodation so at the last minute we can
5 I remember wandering with Donald somewhere in the East End after we 'd been to the Whitechapel and we saw a group of teddies standing round two middle-aged Indians .
6 The ribs should be barbecued well away from direct heat for a good two hours — begin basting with sauce only during the last 15–20 minutes of cooking , otherwise the sauce will taste bitter .
7 The group operates state-of-the-art microbeam and bulk analytical facilities , together with a full range of high pressure-high temperature equipment , with applications ranging from processes deep in the upper mantle to reactions in petroleum reservoirs .
8 Babies and toddlers love getting messy , and playing with sand or splashing in water outside in the sum must come close to their idea of heaven .
9 At least 300 people living on storeys closer to the ground were hurt in the nine-floor blocks , which contained 480 flats .
10 Those living on estates further from the office will be served by surgeries staffed by the local officers .
11 The greatest advantage of infrared astronomy , however , comes when looking at objects well beyond the Solar System .
12 Could he not deliver just one of them , he had asked , looking at Goibniu slyly from the corners of his eyes .
13 He shook his head , forgetting the idea and looking at Sara again as the train stopped in the station .
14 I remembered the palms with clustered dates hanging like udders high in the air , and wished she had never mentioned the subject of cows .
15 The houses were shaded clear against the ground : on the hills he could see the white lines of the new walls they were building like netting all over the high ground ; from the direction of the lake he heard an occasional voice , as sharp as the crack of a pistol .
16 He was thumbing through USA Today for the umpteenth time , looking for something he might have missed , when he heard her giggling .
17 When the grubs hatch , they tunnel into the wood and carry on gnawing it away for about three years , before turning into pupae just below the surface and so restarting the cycle .
18 Never mind , I 'm going into Cheltenham tomorrow to the library .
19 Betsy was lucky she had many friends who relished her company by Old Father Thames , where they all congregated when evening came round , cuddling in clusters all over the ground .
20 Adherence to ethnic identities appears to be growing in strength all over the world .
21 He did come close to going on pension once at the age of 75 he sent off a perfunctory letter asking for retirement .
22 Are you going to Guildford tomorrow in the lorry ?
23 I learned that he was going to London early on the following day , so I asked him to meet me before he went .
24 Spathiphyllum wallisii , the peace lily , is a most elegant houseplant , with glossy green lance-shaped leaves and fragrant arum lily-like flowers of the purest white , turning to cream then to the palest green with age .
25 One item of interest in 1923 was the purchase of a small piece of church land ( about treble green size ) to widen the approach to the fifth green by bringing into bounds more of the bushes on the right .
26 Supporters of Schutt 's multiple-stresses hypothesis pointed to studies of tree rings in West Germany , Switzerland and other countries , which showed a long-term slowing in growth well before the year in which visible signs of decline had developed .
27 Speaking in London recently at the invitation of War on Want , Maria was herself imprisoned by Pinochet 's regime for holding pro-democracy views .
28 Speaking in Aberdeen yesterday at the annual meeting of the Scottish Landowners ' Federation 's north-east region , the SLF convener , Disney Barlow , said his organisation was getting phone calls every day from people worried about re-letting land .
29 His mother was making small , agitated noises , while Mr Wilson senior was beginning to edge away across the grass .
30 Prodded by its chairman , Yuri Blokhin , Soyuz is beginning to edge away from the colonels and towards the reformers .
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