Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [noun] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That philosopher , ’ said Scarlet , who seemed to have forgotten about going home , ‘ the one I was telling you about , he used to go galloping after women all over the place when his hair and his teeth were all falling out , and he used to write about the terrific compassion he felt for the human race , and his breath was foul .
2 A fundamental process of change is occurring within society both in the UK and certain other richer nations : this has been termed the emergence of ‘ post-industrial society ’ ( Bell , 1973 ) .
3 Caitlin was off at the BBC studios , he was appearing on Crimewatch later in the evening .
4 Second in command , Paul Hancock , says they 'll be acting as back up to the Desert Rats at bases in the north-east of Saudi Arabia .
5 When it comes to that though there will be people from other green parties who who 'll be looking for accommodation so at the last minute we can
6 I remember wandering with Donald somewhere in the East End after we 'd been to the Whitechapel and we saw a group of teddies standing round two middle-aged Indians .
7 The ribs should be barbecued well away from direct heat for a good two hours — begin basting with sauce only during the last 15–20 minutes of cooking , otherwise the sauce will taste bitter .
8 The group operates state-of-the-art microbeam and bulk analytical facilities , together with a full range of high pressure-high temperature equipment , with applications ranging from processes deep in the upper mantle to reactions in petroleum reservoirs .
9 Babies and toddlers love getting messy , and playing with sand or splashing in water outside in the sum must come close to their idea of heaven .
10 So you were just lying listening to music in between the chair and the couch ?
11 At least 300 people living on storeys closer to the ground were hurt in the nine-floor blocks , which contained 480 flats .
12 Those living on estates further from the office will be served by surgeries staffed by the local officers .
13 According to chitchat out at the recent SunWorld Expo in California , initial versions of the 32-bit superscalar part are expected produce 100 SPECmarks , and if everything goes well , then it 'll reportedly be closer to the 200 SPECmark range .
14 The greatest advantage of infrared astronomy , however , comes when looking at objects well beyond the Solar System .
15 Could he not deliver just one of them , he had asked , looking at Goibniu slyly from the corners of his eyes .
16 He shook his head , forgetting the idea and looking at Sara again as the train stopped in the station .
17 I remembered the palms with clustered dates hanging like udders high in the air , and wished she had never mentioned the subject of cows .
18 The houses were shaded clear against the ground : on the hills he could see the white lines of the new walls they were building like netting all over the high ground ; from the direction of the lake he heard an occasional voice , as sharp as the crack of a pistol .
19 He was thumbing through USA Today for the umpteenth time , looking for something he might have missed , when he heard her giggling .
20 When the grubs hatch , they tunnel into the wood and carry on gnawing it away for about three years , before turning into pupae just below the surface and so restarting the cycle .
21 Never mind , I 'm going into Cheltenham tomorrow to the library .
22 It is not the book that you stay up huffing and mewing with laughter over until the middle of the night — that is either Dervla Murphy 's Muddling Through in Madagascar ( Arrow Books , 1990 ) or Sir David Attenborough 's original Zoo Quest to Madagascar , which richly deserves reprinting .
23 Betsy was lucky she had many friends who relished her company by Old Father Thames , where they all congregated when evening came round , cuddling in clusters all over the ground .
24 Adherence to ethnic identities appears to be growing in strength all over the world .
25 He did come close to going on pension once at the age of 75 he sent off a perfunctory letter asking for retirement .
26 obviously going to buck out of the
27 And some men at the top in little old Moscow are not sure how it is going to work out in the end .
28 Are you going to Guildford tomorrow in the lorry ?
29 I learned that he was going to London early on the following day , so I asked him to meet me before he went .
30 Spathiphyllum wallisii , the peace lily , is a most elegant houseplant , with glossy green lance-shaped leaves and fragrant arum lily-like flowers of the purest white , turning to cream then to the palest green with age .
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