Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] that [pers pn] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 At the same time , the mind must be in readiness for new ways of seeing so that it is already poised for the marvellous and even the illogical .
2 Robyn placed her hand over his , lifting it away , realising swiftly that he was more than a little drunk .
3 You said in the staff meeting yesterday that he was n't .
4 Remembering always that it is far better to announce that you are the ‘ Co-operative Funeral Service ’ to a person who may seek information regarding a memorial , than to announce that you are the ‘ Co-operative Memorial Service ’ to a person who requires information regarding funeral arrangements .
5 There is an early retirement pension , a late retirement pension , an ill-health retirement pension and , perhaps more important , an in-built provision for index linking so that it is not simply a straightforward sum each year .
6 What are you gon na be doing now that you 're not working ?
7 Yes , well Eyre there stands as a sort of a paradigmatic modern philosopher , and when I was saying earlier that it was just a logical construction to help you to talk about particular things , and I think Eyre would go along with that .
8 And when I was saying earlier that it was just a logical construction to help you to talk about particular things , and I think Ayer would go along with that .
9 The father in one family , himself a compositor with both a son and daughter following his trade , was described as " a first-class workman , clever , thoughtful and well-read … he is in the Trade Union " and also attended Labour Party meetings ( indicating incidentally that it was not necessarily a sign of disaffection from the union for a comp to send his daughter to the trade ) .
10 She said quickly that there was no need to apologize , knowing well that he was not doing so .
11 Then Partridge had tried to wrestle with him , claiming later that he was only trying to " restrain " him .
12 She said , once more trying her best to sound scathing , but sensing strongly that she was only half succeeding , ‘ I 'm glad to hear you have some redeeming features . ’
13 Washington was Ladbrooke , but it was also , in the same list , Cleveland and Canada : the multiplication of codes suggesting either that they were readily broken , or that people were changing them more or less as they fancied .
14 This had reportedly been watered down after Russia threatened to veto a proposal to suspend the FRY from all UN bodies , demanding instead that it be merely excluded from the General Assembly .
15 Er I think it 's just worth mentioning again that it 's still on and er I , I think er it is really more important than ever now for us to impress on Chris what good work we do because er of the changing situation within the industry .
16 It seemed to me that hardly any left the building in those weeks of May without murmuring apologetically that they were only leaving in order to get some baking done at home !
17 Realising too that he is about to lose Kate to her anger and the night , Jeremy forces a pleasanter expression to his face .
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