Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [adv] [conj] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We were walking downhill now and reached the shingle to head north for the Cock of Arran .
2 As they wrote out a ticket 30-year-old Pere Costa smashed the car 's windows , doused it in petrol and set it on fire before walking home yesterday and leaving the police to deal with the blaze .
3 We are living here peacefully and want no trouble ’ .
4 Although parts of Sun , such as Sun Federal , have reportedly been flirting with IXI , Sun headquarters has clearly labelled the firm a competitor going so far as to put a last-minute kibosh on a real estate deal that would have moved IXI headquarters in Cambridge , England into Sun UK 's offices as a tenant .
5 Khasbulatov spoke strongly in favour of increased co-operation between CIS member states , going so far as to mention a " supranational parliament " and common citizenship .
6 Over a hasty but adequate meal , the situation and plans were discussed , Black Agnes approving heartily , almost gleefully , indeed going so far as to add an improvement of her own .
7 Educated , urban Spaniards demanded institutional and constitutional reforms , some going so far as to favour the monarchy 's replacement by a republic ; in Catalonia and the Basque country , where distinctive languages and cultures existed , rising nationalist movements opposed the regime 's centralizing character ; in Morocco , Spain and her army became embroiled in what was to be her last colonial war ; and two mass forces of the left , socialism and anarchism , emerged to offer organized protest against the injustices of Spanish society .
8 CA has also try to get Borland , Kahn said , going so far as to threaten a hostile takeover .
9 Borland International Inc chief executive officer Phillipe Kahn told InformationWeek that Computer Associates International Inc wined and dined Novell Inc boss Ray Noorda in an attempt to acquire the NetWare company : Kahn said Noorda quoted an inflated price and chief Computer Associate Charles Wang and executive vice-president Sanjay Kumar stormed away from the table ; the Islandia , New York company has also try to get Borland , Kahn said , going so far as to threaten a hostile takeover bid for the company .
10 Again the immigration people questioned him about his occupation , even going so far as to check the word antiquarian in an English-Spanish dictionary .
11 He suddenly let her go , turning away impatiently and pressing a bell .
12 We have to find ways of managing waiting more effectively and keeping the customer ( be it general practitioner or patient ) informed .
13 We are now in a position to set up a computerised database of these groups , but before proceeding any further and given the time-lapse since the original proposal to establish such a facility , I wonder if you could confirm that this would still be a useful tool and that it is within the original thinking .
14 And then you put that down where you think is the right place and you get really pissed off cos it 's moving really slowly and moving the board outline as well .
15 With the present London Philharmonic exceptionally alert , the skipping rhythms in compound time are sprung as infectiously as ever , nudging now rather than jabbing the listener .
16 She was so aware of his hard body , and of the undeniable sex appeal of those jeans and that white shirt , that she deliberately did not look at him , staring fixedly ahead while noting every detail of him as though it was being burned into her brain .
17 Until the manner in which such goods are dispersed within regions is better understood we can only assume , at present , that places with very high consumption are also the points of distribution where a paramount controlled such prestige exchange , consuming most locally and allowing the passage of a little to other places .
18 By the time the children have grown up , the marital relationship can be very empty , often extending little further than sharing the same house .
19 I sang the first sixteen bars in a soft velvet voice , standing perfectly still and letting the sad lyrics speak for themselves .
20 The Trade Winds blew deficits and the workers got so bored striking at every available Sunny Day that they began working really really and blew the gaskets of many a Director 's heart .
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