Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [conj] we [vb base] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She 's sulking now cos we have n't really have we ?
2 It is worth noticing here that we have already begun to formulate the problem in a more practical way : that we are carving out parts of the general problem which can be observed .
3 ‘ I 've been doing lots of shouting recently and we 've both been unhappy .
4 Last night TCCB officials gave a cautious welcome to the Kiwi offer , spokesman Ken Lawrence saying : ‘ At the moment we have not even thought of going elsewhere because we have not pulled out of the Indian tour .
5 It was lying here when we come over earlier on .
6 People : ‘ We are getting there but we have n't got everything right .
7 And yes it erm I mean and therefore we would be reviewing current practices which is that erm you know the film is in the building , the cinema is open , the staff are there and we therefore show a film at four o'clock because there 's no extra charge for us doing so and we hope thereby to attract however many er patrons to see it .
8 ‘ It has been operating out of the airport for the past five years and on a more frequent basis than it is doing now and we have not had any complaints of this nature in the past .
9 ‘ You can try your hand at cooking again when we get back .
10 Since the above experience we four men always go down when we hear the bombs whizz , and perhaps we remember that experience when we hear the plane above droning overhead and we wonder where those bombs will drop this time .
11 are still collapsing sideways as we gear down into
12 I most grateful to the minister for giving way and it 's good to see the government er at last acknowledging the justice of the amendments to do exactly what we 're proposing now that we put in to most of the committees like the building societies c c c b b bill a and like the banking bill when they were discussing the nineteen eighties but Lord Justice Bingham also recommended er and I quote , the determination of the correct relationship between client , auditor and supervisor raises an issue of policy more appropriate for decision making by parliament than by the bank and the accounting profession .
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