Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [conj] [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 With a sudden surge of defiance she tossed back her head , sending her long wheat-coloured mane rippling over her shoulders , her eyes flashing challengingly as she pulled the microphone free of its stand .
2 ‘ I 'm not runnin' away like I did the last time . ’
3 Again she found that she was quivering slightly as she studied the picture of Richard Parsons .
4 Wayne was driving now as they left the last of the houses behind , following the lake shore for a while until the wooded hillside of the Step rose up and screened it from their sight .
5 I turned round to go , but things were blurring again and I misjudged the turn and banged my head against the edge of the door .
6 She was still laughing softly as she laid the phone down , but the laughter died in her throat as she looked up to see Adam standing a few feet away , his eyes hard as jet .
7 We talked a lot , laughed a lot , drank a lot — another round in the warming game of friendship that left me happy at the time , and aching afterwards as I contemplated the lonely bed .
8 Then he darted out of the room , pausing only when he reached the barn , to lean against the door and breathe deeply .
9 You know , suppose parliament starts breaking the rules and acting arbitrarily and I say the mechanism is not clear .
10 I saw him grinning ferally as he worked the gun with both hands , spent cartridges flying into the air .
11 Rory made her way woodenly to the dressing-room , shivering slightly as she heard the familiar sounds of the nightclub band tuning up .
12 Moi children who had heard the noise of their approach came running helter-skelter to surround them and began shouting excitedly when they saw the dead deer .
13 Woolley side-slipped and fell behind it , then climbed and injected a long burst into its belly , searching forwards until he saw the bullets slashing up between the wing-roots .
14 You must ensure when seeking permission to go rabbiting anywhere that you get the consent from someone legally able to give it to you .
15 Check that this equipment is operating satisfactorily before you leave the ground .
16 Then , turning aside before he reached the porch , he used his own keys to open a small iron-barred gate leading to a narrow passageway .
17 When his hand found the rounded contour of her bare breast under her blouse she shuddered convulsively against him , pressing her body forward , her breath coming and going quickly as he rubbed the raised bud of her nipple .
18 I sat there a long time , bored , with a cold bottom , and I was about to open the pub door to tell him I was going home when I saw the organ grinder trundling his barrel-organ down the street .
19 If things keep as they 're going now and she gets the services she 's getting I 've no grumbles , she 'll stop for a long while .
20 Please believe that , at least , ’ she finished brokenly , not caring now if he saw the naked pleading in her eyes .
21 People lied about their intentions up to the moment of voting and went on lying even as they left the polling stations , saying they had voted for Labour when they had voted Tory , ’ he says .
22 The Dutch version is selling well and we expect the German version to do even better . ’
23 FitzAlan glanced over his shoulder , turning fully when he saw the ugly discolouration along her cheekbone and the narrow line of dried blood where she had been cut by a ring .
24 Keep going then till we finish the alphabet then we 'll do food .
25 Now , although no bombs ever fell in the country district where they lived , from time to time the air raid warning sirens would sound and Sylvia 's mother would take her baby and make her way to the shelter at the bottom of the garden , remaining there until she heard the ‘ all-clear ’ .
26 Why do n't you take that wet anorak off and get the fire going again while I make the drinks ? ’
27 And even though big spending Blackburn seems certain to be Keane 's choice , his Nottingham Forest manager Frank Clark insisted : ‘ Roy 's going nowhere until we get the £5 million at which we value him . ’
28 Either a company keeps going forward or it runs the dangers of stagnating ;
29 If , as in the last illustration , you decide that a fact can be inferred from what is given , though not explicitly stated , it is wise to guard yourself by stating expressly that you assume the fact to exist .
30 All SWIFTAIR items receive priority handling and separate sorting so that they meet the first available flight to the country of destination .
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