Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [conj] [pers pn] be still " in BNC.

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1 He started walking away and he 's still walking kind of fast , so I grabbed his sweater from the back and pulled on it to slow him down .
2 There are similarities between the Thirties and what is happening now but they are still relatively thin .
3 The chap you saw in the druid outfit got them going again and he 's still the king-pin . ’
4 The City Airport is doing better but it 's still not doing that well , there is a market for an airfield that would serve executive and freight business for North London and of course Hertfordshire , that airfield is needed .
5 That was below the belt , but instead of stopping there while she was still in one piece , she drove on in a high , hectoring voice , ‘ Do n't you think your daughter deserves a little rest instead of going home to slave for you after she 's been working all week ? ’
6 Er I think it 's just worth mentioning again that it 's still on and er I , I think er it is really more important than ever now for us to impress on Chris what good work we do because er of the changing situation within the industry .
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