Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [conj] [pers pn] be not " in BNC.

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1 Usually a husband and wife are regarded as living together if they are not separated under a court order or a deed of separation or separated in such circumstances as are likely to prove permanent ( Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 , s282 ) .
2 I 'm going away and I 'm not coming back . ’
3 He had then sought to usurp him by demanding an EC inquiry into French 's affairs and by getting himself , though contrary to Rule as a non-sailor , elected as Delegate to the 1911 Annual General Meeting with a demand that he should be made Glasgow secretary in French 's place , only breaking away when he was not permitted to attend .
4 Finally , it is quite in order to conclude with a brief mention of any potentially useful information that is lacking either because it is not available to you or because it has never been collected ( but could be ) .
5 There is an early retirement pension , a late retirement pension , an ill-health retirement pension and , perhaps more important , an in-built provision for index linking so that it is not simply a straightforward sum each year .
6 What are you gon na be doing now that you 're not working ?
7 She felt that he was not doing well because he was not trying hard enough , and that his teachers were not making him try hard enough .
8 So that , this is when fractions come into it and everybody starts getting a bit ooh I 'm not very sure of what I 'm doing here because it 's not , you know , it 's not obvious , it 's not very real
9 Yet Ellcock , an intelligent man with strong views on the game , graciously allowed the Daily Mail to photograph him ‘ celebrating ’ at home watching Sky TV as Wayne Larkins hit the winning run in the Jamaica Test when he probably felt like crying again because he was not at Sabina Park to share the moment .
10 The father in one family , himself a compositor with both a son and daughter following his trade , was described as " a first-class workman , clever , thoughtful and well-read … he is in the Trade Union " and also attended Labour Party meetings ( indicating incidentally that it was not necessarily a sign of disaffection from the union for a comp to send his daughter to the trade ) .
11 She said quickly that there was no need to apologize , knowing well that he was not doing so .
12 The candidates , all seven of them , are still canvassing hard but it is not conversions they really expect now , just promises to turn out and vote .
13 If you stall accidentally it is almost always because you are not aware of the low speed , etc. and therefore all the training in the world will not prevent you from responding instinctively because you are not at that moment aware that you are stalled .
14 Montana said : ‘ Steve and the team are playing well so they are not going to take a chance of throwing me in unless they have to . ’
15 She had not thought it worth mentioning before as he was not likely to be found .
16 So er , it only takes you a second to er copy from an adjacent cell but it could take you a minute or two to get that formula working again if it 's not copyable , erm , it would probably only takes you an extra few seconds er when you 're actually building the formula to make it , copyable in the first place so it 's well worth investing a few extra seconds up front to save you maybe a minute or so later on .
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