Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [adv] [conj] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His heart was still banging away unhealthily and his breath was wheezing with its late efforts , but he knew things were under control again .
2 We compromised on borrowing the Land Rover for positioning , followed by walking as far as their enthusiasm took them .
3 The Bishop : ‘ I think it is a very balanced and very clear statement of how we should be living so far as our sexuality is concerned . ’
4 The threat was enough to stop Rita and Bob going as far as their friends with real rude words .
5 I think , ’ he said , moving slightly so that his body covered hers again , ‘ that we have a lot of lost time to make up for . ’
6 His blue eyes were gazing far away and his wife knew that he was thinking of that distant evening when he and Mrs Curdle had first met , on just such an April evening , many years ago .
7 The preferences of the state are at least as important as those of civil society in accounting for what the democratic state does and does not do ; the democratic state is not only frequently autonomous insofar as it regularly acts upon its preferences , but also markedly autonomous in doing so even when its preferences diverge from the demands of the most powerful groups in civil society ( Nordlinger , 1981 , p. 1 ) .
8 ‘ For 20 years the Childrens ’ Hearing system has progressed very positively and we are doing much better than our brethren south of the Border in looking after the interests of children in Scotland . ’
9 ‘ Since you left the restaurant that night asking so pointedly when his war was going to begin . ’
10 One frowning look at the table where a pint pot of tea and a plate of scones or buns should have been awaiting his arrival , sent Martha and Lydia scurrying frantically about until his needs had been met .
11 At the Queen Street entrance she caught a glimpse of a red-clad figure running as fast as her legs would carry her to keep up with the woman who was taking her away .
12 When the three of them had been together in the kitchen , the infant Camille crawling round with jam on her face and fingers , he had sat in a state of sullenness bordering on rage or had conspicuously moved about preparing food for himself , knowing quite well that his dinner was cooking in the oven .
13 So she said lightly , ‘ You know Sebastian , ’ knowing full well that her mother , wearing the rosiest of rose-coloured glasses about her only son , would think that her only daughter had answered in the affirmative .
14 But , said Mr Cotgrave , he refused all suggestions that he should remain ‘ knowing very well that his shift was short-staffed .
15 Babs Osborne was now weeping quite loudly and her nose was running .
16 This means that Snotlings can be very frustrating to fight , because no matter how many are slain they keep fighting so long as their neighbours hold steady .
17 Although Laura 's formal education finished prematurely , she showed a remarkable capacity for intellectual growth in the middle years of her life : many of her ideas were changing so fast that her colleagues often found it difficult to keep pace .
18 Squeezing away so that his biceps shifted in his sleeve , he asked ‘ so , Rog , what 's going down the chute ? ’
19 Bending forward so that her nipples brushed his chest , which sent a delicious shiver through her , she rubbed her mouth against his .
20 He was sitting very still and his breathing was shallow .
21 Nor those dreadful factory hooters , Mr Colclough 's from the foundry , Mr Lord 's answering it , her husband 's from the top of the hill , Ben Braithwaite 's intruding as stridently as his mother 's purple taffeta dresses from the other side of town , each one of them blasting out its five minute warning as to the pains and penalties of being late .
22 Both these directors fared much better than the other I have mentioned insomuch as they were working right up until their death .
23 Claudia did n't know Garry , or even his surname ; Dana had always had men in her life , but she had n't seemed serious about any of them , and so far Claudia had hoped in vain that she would find someone to love and to provide the anchor she 'd been missing so badly since their mother had died .
24 She was working so well that her coffee was always cold before she remembered to drink it .
25 Ashley was balanced on the edge of the skip with her arms stretching unsuccessfully down and her bottom stuck up in the air when , from the dark , smelly depths , she heard a car door slam .
26 The people could n't have been working well enough or my plan was too optimistic .
27 When the path narrowed , we had to proceed in single file , and I found myself leading the way , with my aunt following closely behind and my father behind her .
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