Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pers pn] from [num] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 This is reflected in Mustill LJ 's approach in Rogers v Parish ( Scarborough ) Ltd [ 1987 ] 1 QB 933 where his Lordship maintained that the purpose of buying a car was : … not merely the purpose of driving it from one place to another but of doing so with the appropriate degree of comfort , ease of handling , reliability and … pride in the vehicle 's outward and interior appearance .
2 The switchboard on the ground floor of the Questura was manned by a chubby youth who was holding a large roll , turning it from one side to the other and studying it closely like a wrestler looking for a hold .
3 For the rest , the older generation and the perennially mathematically innocent , it will be best to start by thinking of a vector as something like an arrow directing us from one point to another .
4 Bassett said : ‘ It 's my fault for messing him about , switching him from one flank to the other then playing him through the middle .
5 it 's getting it from one place to the next
6 Tipping them from one bucket to the next ?
7 But yesterday it was seen in Chaura and in Chhuma , running through the outskirts of the villages : and the day before , a dog like that had chased a sheep in Pere , and clutched it by the neck , shaking it from one side to the other until it died of shock .
8 And even Scottish law , where pension rights are taken into account on divorce , has no mechanism for transferring them from one person to another .
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