Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pers pn] over [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At one point they fell out and Schine chased Cohn through a hotel lobby swatting him over the head with a rolled-up magazine , to the delight of the large Press corps , who wrote stories headlined after the dialogue of the famous duo , ‘ Positively , Mr Cohn ! ’ and ‘ Absolutely , Mr Schine ! ’
2 Any finer detail required in the painting is achieved simply by mixing white with the appropriate colour and applying it over the top of the darker colours for an opaque effect .
3 After a while they kidnap and murder a young boy for kicks , bashing him over the head with a blunt instrument .
4 ‘ You seem a little more sober now , ’ he remarked casually , eyeing her over the rim of his cup .
5 Merrill took a sip of her martini , eyeing him over the rim of her glass .
6 How would we feel if France started putting its criminals in boats and sending them over the Channel to us ?
7 ‘ Because of the angle I had no chance of getting it over the bar with my right foot so I simply hit it with the left and it went over . ’
8 I much prefer to hear someone angry , almost sledgehammering you over the head with their guitar .
9 He 's obviously badly in need of a friendly brew — he 'll stop having you over the fence after that , I 'm sure of it .
10 Jake picked up his half-empty glass of whisky , knocked back the contents , and pulled off his tie , flinging it over the back of the sofa beside his discarded jacket .
11 The registrar was regarding me over the top of his spectacles and trying not to look at his watch .
12 As I prowled about outside the garden wall , it came on me with a start that a young , man was regarding me over the barrel of a pistol .
13 The family had finished their supper when she got home , but her temper was soothed by her reception : Herr Nordern coming from the bedroom to greet her , Omi fussing , Erika getting her meal , even Paul helping her off with her coat , although he rather spoiled his effect by then chucking it over the back of a chair instead of hanging it up .
14 She was watching them over the rim of the glass , looking from one to the other of their faces , trying to follow their too rapid talk .
15 He tossed the paper on to a chair , then picked up his glass and took a long swallow , watching her over the rim with open mockery .
16 The other picked up his drink and took a long swallow , watching her over the rim of the tankard .
17 And you ca n't do that by beating them over the head with clichéd , didactic behaviour .
18 He had a peculiar habit of sliding effortlessly from throwing me a bait to hitting me over the head with it .
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