Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pers pn] [prep] the [noun sg] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Someone will reach for a tin of fish-paste only to be brought up short by another member of the party reminding them that fish-paste is unclean , while someone else may get as far as the checkout with a year 's supply of baked beans , when , across the crowded shelves of the supermarket , comes a voice reminding them of the danger they are facing .
2 This is the main reason why I have not until recently felt able to face the task of transcribing them and editing them in the way they .
3 One of the brigade 's proudest possessions is a letter from King George V , thanking them for the part they played in saving the Royal Train during the disastrous fire in the Works in 1933 , when £30,000 worth of damage was caused .
4 Amidst the noise of children shouting , women calling across the alley , and dogs barking , Sarah seemed to hear her father condemning her for the way she had behaved these last months , and her misery grew .
5 He has dedicated his entire career to the development of sport in Scotland and I am sure all Council members will want to join me in thanking him for the commitment he has shown over the years . ’
6 I admit my man was out of order tackling it in the way he did , for which he will be disciplined , I assure you . ’
7 It 's understandable that they can admire academics , but that 's not quite the same as loving them for the person they are . ’
8 The man who constantly criticises may be trying to change you into the person he wants you to be , when he should be loving you for the person you are .
9 It was also reported that a new chapter in Andrew Morton 's controversial biography of the Princess would include details of a letter from the Duke warning her of the damage she was causing the Royal Family .
10 Pushing it towards the door they could hardly contain their excitement until Endill stopped in his tracks , realising they had made a terrible mistake .
11 We may seek out partners incapable of loving us in the way we need so as to experience again the brief hope that this time it will be all right or as Lisa Minelli sang in the film Cabaret , ‘ This time I 'll be lucky ’ , before the pain sweeps in again to overwhelm us .
12 It 's a privilege and an honour for me to thank him , on your behalf , for coming here tonight and addressing us in the way he has .
13 It is easy to see that studying the growth and modifiability of neurons is a much harder task than describing them in the state you normally find them , so it is not surprising that much less is known , and all I can do here is to point out some of the interesting possibilities that are opening up .
14 Souness is fixing me with the glare he reserves for the enemy , the look that countless midfield players must have known to their terror , a look that threatens to rupture my Achilles tendon , if I hover on a question too long .
15 I am leading you along the path I had to tread to find the most suitable disease , for only in this way can I be sure that the reader understands the nature of the ultimate decision and the ludicrousness of any attempt to confuse it with my own stick and gloves or any prior misinformation regarding the state of my own health .
16 The entire world shrank to the mere fifteen feet separating her from the man she had thought never to see again .
17 After approaching him on the street and ushering him into the house he told the boy ; ’ Welcome to the Devil 's Kingdom ’ and threatened to kill him if he did nt co-operate .
18 In my right hand was a small tray , and by tilting it in the breeze I found that I could obtain enough lift to get up to any height I wanted , and was soon soaring into the air , travelling at will .
19 It 's pulling it against the direction we 're measuring S
20 He was not supporting me in the way I felt he should support me .
21 But getting a job after years spent bringing up a family is n't necessarily an end in itself For many women , it 's all part of changing their lives and pointing them in the direction they want to go in-of being in charge of their own destiny .
22 But examples of this kind were pointing him in the direction he wanted to go .
23 However , observing him in the classroom he had noticed his immature behaviour .
24 As it was Christmas Eve , he hung up his red stocking on his chair and left out a letter , addressed to Santa , asking him for the thing he wanted most in the world , a red nose .
25 ‘ You 're doing it for the child she 's foisting on you .
26 I was not desperate to make money at that time , rather I thought of helping her with the commission she would take .
27 But a little nagging voice at the back of her mind kept reminding her of the way he had blown up the taxi rank after Anthony died .
28 They hugged each other , and then taking me by the hand we went into the street and made our way home .
29 ( Crawford 's ultimate suspension from school came two weeks before he was due to take his leaving exams and he gained two CSEs by taking them in the hostel he was staying at . )
30 I 'll be with you in a few minutes , ’ and he whipped up his coat from among a stack of luggage and instruments lying in the hall , and taking her by the arm he hurried her through the kitchen .
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