Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun pl] of [noun] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 The process of socialization involves forming ideas of family life in children by a variety of devices including the stories that children read .
2 * A protocol governing emissions of nitrogen oxides in Europe came into force on Feb. 14 .
3 The second part of the chapter considers the main demographic and household characteristics of the population aged 65 + as these also are important when considering aspects of health status in later life and the need for health and social care .
4 The Yugoslav news agency , Tanjug , reported that about 5,000 students were building barricades of garbage cans in front of the Intercontinental Hotel .
5 A West Belfast councillor , Una Gillespie , claimed the circumstances of the shooting also pointed to the killers having details of patrol patterns in the area .
6 We turn now to a series of cross-national comparative studies carried out with great care and detail by researchers from the Henley Management College in Britain , the International Institute of Management in Berlin , and the Laboratory for the Sociology of Work , Aix-en-Provence , comparing forms of work organisation in British , West German , and French factories .
7 This is , of course , easier said than done because , unfortunately , not much has been achieved so far in the way of identifying signals of information status in various languages .
8 The significance of migrating larvae of S. vulgaris in natural cases of colic is difficult to assess , but it is generally recognised that where strongyle infections of horses are efficiently controlled the incidence of colic is markedly decreased .
9 The most common pattern is one of debasement , that is , increasing amounts of base metal in the alloy ( possibly coupled with a decrease in the weight of the coin ) , followed by occasional reforms .
10 The turnover of individual government ministers responsible for setting objectives of state enterprises in their domain is even more rapid ( e.g. Grassini 1981 : 75 ) .
11 Fasting concentrations of bile salts in the upper small bowel have been measured at 3–4 mmol/l ; the major component of the bile salts being conjugated to taurine or glycine .
12 Rioting following acquittals of police officers in Rodney King case
13 Molinari and Foulkes found that subjects woken up following bursts of eye movement activity reported more vivid dreams than when woken up following intervals of REM sleep in which the eyes had been still .
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