Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun sg] [coord] [verb] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Of course I enjoy making and presenting food and working with the noblest of ingredients .
2 Delabere Pritchett Blaine ( 1770–1845 ) , a medical man , had been recommended to assist Vial by demonstrating anatomy and helping with the translation of Vial 's lectures .
3 Every processor has its corresponding numeric coprocessor , a processor dedicated to the task of doing arithmetic and integrated with the main processor so that it can take over as required .
4 The following day he introduced himself to the Old Trafford crowd by appearing in playing gear and juggling with the ball before United 's game against the champions Arsenal .
5 We must also attribute some significance to the fact that the wife takes the lead in talking smut and negotiating with the monk .
6 During 1860–2 he had found his title and ideas for some of the leading incidents , including the story of a young man feigning death and living with an assumed identity , but was unable to set himself to the writing until the autumn of 1863 , when he determined not to begin publication until he had 5 numbers in hand , since he was now writing so slowly , with care and with difficulty .
7 The Mozart shown beneath the Chopin has the same form , using repetition and ending with a recall of the first section .
8 Roger suddenly launched into this discussion about how they 'd identified the need for someone to join the team with a view to becoming a main board member ; this person would effectively release him from a lot of the day-to-day public company responsibilities and the accounting , reporting and auditing areas , so that he could focus on being part of the entrepreneurial team , organising financing and liaising with the City .
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