Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun sg] [noun] or [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Several copies of each form can be produced by inserting carbon paper or by using ‘ no carbon required ’ ( NCR ) paper .
2 This knot is great for tying baggage taps or for attaching string to a ring or post .
3 Most unions are single enterprise units extending membership to all regular employees , but what appears unusual from a Western perspective is the amount of administrative support given by the company in collecting union subscriptions or in providing organizational help for union officials .
4 Once a widow reaches age 60 , she has the choice of claiming retirement pension or of continuing with widows ' pension ( until 65 , when she no longer has a choice and will receive retirement pension ) .
5 It was suggested in chapter 3 that social role can be varied to some extent by , for example , manipulating discourse patterns or by creating an acceptable category of identity such as that of ‘ friend of a friend ’ .
6 There is no single agency responsible either for monitoring food safety or for prosecuting those who sell contaminated food .
7 I have stressed that there is no disagreement between the Government and the Opposition about the importance of reducing tobacco consumption or of reducing access to tobacco , especially among children , as a contributor to that objective .
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