Example sentences of "[v-ing] [art] [noun sg] 's [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 And they have suggested that far from solving the commission 's problem over lost income it will create more administrative difficulties — especially for auction markets .
2 There is considerable evidence that markets are expecting a realignment following the Maastricht negotiations and that there will be downward pressure on sterling , testing the Chancellor 's resolve over interest rates .
3 By spreading the impactor 's mass over a wide area , fragmentation increases the amount of atmosphere intercepted and so enhances ablation and aerobraking ; hence a fragmenting object stops more abruptly , surrendering its kinetic energy more explosively , than does a non-fragmenting object .
4 The Minister for Local Government , Rural Development and Special Education , Maulana Abdul Sattar Khan Niazi , resigned on March 4 after being criticized by Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif for not supporting the government 's policies over the Gulf war .
5 She was barefoot and wearing a man 's shirt over jeans , the sleeves rolled back on her thin arms .
6 Consider the simple sentence in commonsense language , ‘ Look out , the wind is blowing the baby 's pram over the cliff edge ! ’
7 Looping the dog 's lead over a handy gatepost , she came back .
8 Although it might be construed in England as a joint papal and royal dissolution of a religious order and its houses , the statute of 1324 in waiving the king 's rights over the forfeited property omitted all mention of a papal grant to the Hospitallers and thus left on the statute book an impression of autonomous royal action .
9 The Home Office has commissioned research from Professor Graham Davies of Leicester University who says it focuses on four key areas : observing how tapes are used in court and how children stand up under cross-examination ; tracking how many tapes are made and how many end up in court ; discovering the views of lawyers , judges , social workers , police who use the tapes ; and judging the memorandum 's influence over how recordings are made and questions asked .
10 She well be reviewing the foundation 's programme over the last few years with the aim of identifying any gaps or areas where new initiatives might be needed .
11 Griffith , is to head a West Indies Cricket Board of Control special committee to ‘ devise a strategic plan covering the Board 's operation over the next five years ’ .
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