Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] me [coord] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Bidding against me and I do n't want that
2 It really did n't feel like it was such big stuff , it was just happening to me and I believed I was going to be all right .
3 I could n't understand what was happening to me and I began to sink deeper and deeper into the pit .
4 She was laughing at me but I did n't care .
5 ‘ You 're laughing at me and I laughed at myself , but he 's the best astrologer in London .
6 She agrees with everything I say , she 's never horrible to me , but when you 're around she 's really horrible to me and like , even though she 's agreed with something I 've said earlier , she just sort of goes yeah right Cassie ha ha ha it 's really funny and takes the piss out of it and you sort of go along with her and I just sort of have to stand there while you two stand there laughing at me and I do n't like it .
7 They said they were looking for me and I had to go with them back to the convent . ’
8 And that was er under John John was the manager and er I tell you Scott come and he started swearing at me and I says , I did n't m ask you for your bloody job , so next er next morning when they goes , he they had they had me walking the rope .
9 I hope you 're never looking at me but I have to dinner .
10 And they were looking at me and I thought this int my cup of tea !
11 Er and it , it kept looking at me and I thought cheeky little bugger .
12 ‘ I was aware of players from both sides running towards me and I shouted I would clear it .
13 Teacher : You were coming towards me and I thought you were going to run me over , Peter .
14 ‘ Luckily , I realised what my boss was doing to me and I got out quickly .
15 One was slung over my shoulder one had got sort of between two limbs I suspect , holding it round the back like that , and another one was over a protrusion that just seemed handy to hold the lot , and as I walked down the street of course suddenly everybody was glancing at me and I realized what I appeared to be doing .
16 knew exactly that he was talking about me and I thought what ?
17 ‘ Eddie Tonks ( New Zealand Rugby Football Union chairman ) was sitting behind me and I turned and looked at him and we eyed each other .
18 Now a bad habit that I got into , right , a customer will be talking to me and I do n't know if you 've noticed it , I wo n't let them finish what they 're saying , I 'll jump in because I 'll know what they 're asking me
19 I 'd like to stay here on the floor but there 's cars beeping at me and I think I 'm lying in the road , so I push myself up and sort of crawl to the pavement .
20 Ah now you think about it , I mean there was this question in our maths test and I was chatting to him in the dinner queue about it and I was going yeah it was this and he goes oh you 're probably right and he was agreeing with me and I found out later that I was wrong but he still agreed with me .
21 Older players thought I was an upstart , so they made a point of scrapping with me but I thrived on it .
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