Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] be [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Role-play activities can inform other areas of the curriculum , for example history , through pupils ' pretending to be living in another age , or science , through their acting out some aspects of scientific discovery .
2 Refusing to be excluded from this growing sector , the company started to make and sell ‘ minis ’ developed by one of its shareholders , the American firm Honeywell .
3 At the other extreme , Belinda attached herself with limpet-like tenacity , as Rachel remembered she had done previously in the swimming-pool , doggedly refusing to be distracted by any other diversion , engrossed only in Rachel 's clothes , her hair and the colour of her lipstick .
4 And , at 10 minutes per page for a 24-pin dot matrix printer it 's likely that anything over one copy is going to be treated in this way .
5 So some of the things that we 're going to be looking at this morning is ways for you to use , that the people working with you can come up with some new ideas , but you can also use these ways yourself , because sometimes you do n't have the luxury of people to help you with your problem .
6 I thought it was very interesting indeed all the information , and obviously I think one question is which schools are now going to be called in that were n't here before , and will that lead to a better distribution of collection points across the city ?
7 I 'm not sure that withholding diplomatic recognition is the best way to approach that , after all diplomatic recognition is concerned really with the effective control of territory and things like that rather than with moral principles , however , I think that er , when the Soviet Republics are signing their new Union Treaty or Commonwealth Treaty or whatever it 's going to be called by that time , this question should be amongst the most important to be tackled there , that 's to say the rights of ethnic minorities living in Republican Territories , that they should have the right to educate their children in their own language , that they should have the right to their own religion and so on and so forth .
8 shall we just look at one or two erm documents that you 've already looked at please , would you go to page twenty nine , just the illustration that seen and this is the I 'm not sure whether a point is going to be made about this or not , but if you look at page thirty one there there 's a golf club on the left and a man fishing on the right
9 Is the contractor entitled to be relieved of responsibility on the basis that if the variation was going to be made in any event at that time , to have been further advanced in the contract programme would only have made it more expensive for the client ?
10 Shanti was eight years old and we were determined that her childhood was not going to be spoiled by this disability .
11 The functions of any single region of the brain are going to be expressed through that region 's connections with other parts of the nervous system and the effects of our experimental procedures are going to depend on the nature of those interconnections .
12 Because if you 're speaking from a script you 're going to be speaking like this .
13 Now then I was going to ask one simple question and that is , has anyone thought about keep sending postcards to people , er if the , erm reply is going to be delayed in any way , because at least then the person if there 's sufficiently good reference will be able to , phone up and say look you know , yes I 'm not happy , it seems to me that that would be a way forward on that , erm .
14 I find it to be an irritating reminder that the solid rail service taken for granted by this part of the country , the one that provides an essential lifeline spring , summer , autumn and winter , is eventually going to be lost to these seasonal theme-park trucks full of florid , truffle-guzzling lounge lizards .
15 Illustrator can also produce colour traps which are extra rings of colour around an area of colour which is going to be printed over another .
16 It is particularly important for covering fruit cakes and cakes with an uneven surface , as it provides a smooth area for the icing and prevents discoloration of the icing by the cake if it is going to be kept for some time .
17 But Marie was not going to be fooled like that again .
18 ‘ I managed to get clear at Metropole but then Mick came up beside me at the Juniper chicane but I was n't going to be beaten at this stage and I just managed to hold on . ’
19 Those rules specifically say that the arbitration is going to be conducted in this way .
20 The verification process is going on , but we can not say whether it 's going to be completed by any particular time .
21 I had n't known that I was going to be presented with such a large sum .
22 There was an awkward pause during which it became clear that this hint was going to be ignored like all previous ones and then the Guider realised that the pause was going to continue .
23 I do feel that this is necessary because we are allocating or just allocating our proposed budget er a substantial amount of extra resources through the rights of way which I am thoroughly in favour of but I do think we need to know how that money is going to be used and which of the items which are to appear in the report are going to be covered by that money and which is still going to need to be addressed next year when we have to book in time for it for next year .
24 Going to the USA is not going to be decided by this one game . ’
25 Mr Berlusconi made it clear from the start that his new purchase was going to be run like any other company .
26 It 's the quality of life that we 're going to have on this planet , it 's going to be determined by that .
27 It was clear that the pace of the interview was going to be determined by this slow , strong man .
28 But it 's important , for what we 're going to be thinking of this morning to re , keep that little phrase in mind that Jesus said to them let us go over to the other side , there was purpose in going into that boat .
29 Whereas if a house is being sold your name is going to be seen on that particular product .
30 He 's talking about amniocentesis as well , which should be done next week if it 's going to be done at all . ’
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