Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [noun pl] [prep] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Doreen realised she was going about matters in entirely the wrong way .
2 Recognition from educators and managers that such stress exists and is legitimate is a very important initial strategy in coming to terms with both the positive and the negative influences of stress .
3 Instead , he developed a concept of the rule of law , drawing on aspects of both the ancient and modern conceptions , which seemed incompatible with the extensive use of these governmental powers .
4 Standard forms of tender , nomination and contracts for nominated subcontractors together with detailed provisions for dealing with fluctuations under both the main and subcontracts are published separately .
5 ‘ This particular tie-up is everything we stand for two companies just around the corner from each other which were dealing with firms from outside the area .
6 They will be staffed by teams of doctors and other professionals working in shifts in much the same way as hospitals are run .
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