Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [noun pl] [pron] [verb] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 We 're looking for Scientists who do n't always want to be just Scientists
2 He 's meddling with things he does n't understand .
3 A counter-argument might be that standing rules are just one mechanism for weeding out hopeless or frivolous cases at an early stage and protecting government bodies ( rightly or wrongly ) from harassment by ‘ professional litigants ’ ( who else would expend the time and resources necessary to mount a hopeless case ? ) meddling in matters which do not really concern them .
4 Other clues to a general theory of addiction have led researchers to focus on the dopamine system — even when looking at drugs which do not affect dopamine receptors .
5 I had a very happy time looking at things I did n't want
6 As a result children were left waiting for buses which did n't arrive .
7 some residual contamination may remain in the soil owing to concentrations which do not induce microbial degradation ;
8 Asked why the LTA did n't use the ultimate sanction of stop Wimbledon tickets going to clubs which did n't , he said : ‘ It 's an interesting idea . ’
9 When the girl phoned him later , he felt she was trying to pin him down , breaking his ideas into domestic shards , clinging to conventions he did n't want .
10 It was a process of automatic writing such as she had heard tell of in the sillier drawing-rooms of the county where idle men and women amused and , she suspected , sometimes alarmed themselves by tinkering in realms they did not understand ; except that this was very different , for the entirety of her intellect was engaged .
11 If I reply that in choosing between flavours it does not matter whether or not I confound a present taste with remembered sight and touch , whether I respond to reality or to illusion , I am renouncing rational discourse altogether .
12 A conclusion that can be drawn from all these treatment studies is that when dealing with patients who do not require inpatient care , treatment by well-trained non-medical staff ( social workers and nurses in. particular ) is at least as effective as treatment given by psychiatrists .
13 I am talking about prisoners who do not want problems in serving their sentence ; they want to serve it in a civilised fashion , where that is possible in any prison regime .
14 Er they 're talking about things I had n't heard of .
15 Before we turn to that material we must look at the course the narrative has taken since the beginning of Genesis , reminding ourselves yet again of familiar events , and skimming through areas we have not looked at so far .
16 Stop messing with things you do n't understand .
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